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Monday, February 25, 2013

Amazing Race

 We just finished watching Season 12 of the Amazing Race! Congrats (5 years later) to TK and Rachel on their win! What a great team, and what a special couple. I hope they're still together.

C Everett Koop

 RIP C Everett Koop, the famous bearded Surgeon General 

Sunday, February 24, 2013

 Big congrats to Jennifer Lawrence (best actress) and Argo for Best Picture!

Fell today - again. On the back porch - again. Landed on my right hip - again. The pain and swelling - doubled. This winter is so mild, but I'm stumbling around like a drunk with blinders on. Ridonculous

 Beautiful night and morning w/ my baby.

🙂 Melting Pot was awesome, great first time, will go again! - Lisa

Bad News for the Yanks

Yankee Curtis Granderson is out 10 weeks with fractured forearm suffered on a HBP. Damn.

And a court has ruled that the New York Yankees are "The Evil Empire" - at least when it comes to using that phrase in merchandising. Quoting the Wall Street Journal "The panel of judges sided with the Yankees, ruling that the Yankees are strongly associated with the phrase. Allowing anyone else to use the phrase exclusively would likely cause confusion, ruled the judges." You go boyz!


 I have a 50" Toshiba flat-screen projection TV that I'm looking to part with; I offered it to my parents but they inexplicably turned it down. It's too big and passe for most modern living rooms, but it's a fully working HD capable TV that would be perfect for a den or a basement rec room (won't fit down our stairs). Years ago one of the kids damaged one of the built in speakers, so we hard-wired a much better pair of speakers to it, and I'll include those too. If you're interested, comment here. Thanks!

Saturday, February 23, 2013

As I just tweeted (you *do* follow me on Twitter, dontcha?) we're about to step out for our 18th anniversary. It - well Feb 22nd - is the anniversary of the day we met. I'm not one of the hippie-dippie posers who demean marriage as a mere 'slip of paper', but I do value this date more than that of our wedding. There is faint difference between life on Oct 25th, '96 and all the days that followed it; but there is no end to the difference that Feb 22nd 1995 made in my life. Thanks for putting up with me Lisa

My Thoughts - The Oscars

I'm getting really sick of the Oscar hype. I love movies (obviously) and I adore the Oscars, but in the end it's just a bunch of pretty millionaires arguing over which pretty millionaire gets a gold statue for doing the job they're paid to do. It's not worth as much ink as it generates.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

 The Hilton has announced they are closing their Paradise Landing waterpark 


Tomorrow will be 18 years to the day that I met my soul mate.

A few months after that I will have been with him longer then being alive, lol. Yikes. Time flies. Hope everyone has or finds their lifelong love! I had to post this today, just to beat him to the punch...ha! I got to it first Danny! Also: in person job interview tomorrow morning, wish me interview was intense! - Lisa

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

So Far

 So far in 2013: 9 books, 47 movies. I'm behind the curve :(

Rise of the Guardians

 Rise of the Guardians was OK, but a little on the dark side for an animated movie. Lauren insisted on sitting on my lap, and once tracked me down when I wandered away. From an adult perspective I thought it was ho-hum, just another variation on the tired super hero them, but props to the bad guy: the Boogeyman was wickedly done.

A Health Update

First of all, the picture I posted yesterday was taken weeks ago, so to all of you who said how awful I looked and how I must be in pain to look like that: [redacted] you.

Second, I wound up getting the hip ck'd out, and it was diagnosed as a 5"x 7" hematoma (a pool of standing blood outside a blood vessel). They're giving it til Friday to dissipate on it's own, otherwise it'll have to be lanced and drained. I'll have to deal with it 'til then.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013



 During the snowstorm a week ago last Thursday I slipped and fell down the back stairs and landed on my right hip. It's been bruised and painful since then, but I'm fully mobile, even taking long walks with the kids. But at around 11 this morning it all but exploded; intense pain followed by a raised bump the size of a pair of softballs on my hip. No idea why - I was just watching TV when it happened. As loathe as I am to see a doctor, I went over to Urgent Care but they couldn't see me for hours so I said F it and returned home to ice it and pop some Advil. Not a great way to spend an afternoon.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Mindy McCready

Country music star Mindy McCready, perhaps best known for her reported affair with Roger Clemens, has reportedly committed suicide at age 37. RIP.


 Yesterday, in our standard Saturday evening post-Mass dinner out, we stopped into Hamburger Mary's. If you're not familiar, Hamburger Mary's is a kitschy, gay-themed eatery here in Bay View. During dinner one of the TV's was playing the movie "My Best Friend's Girl".

When asked how everything was, I told the waiter "The foods fine, but how can you play a Dane Cook movie and expect people to want to eat?" The table was suddenly quiet. Apparently, Lisa (and possibly the waiter) heard it as "How can you pay a gay cook and expect people to eat", which is just a weeeeee bit of a different thing.


Today in History

Today is the 70th anniversary of Joseph Goebbels's Sportpalast speech, which warned Germany that dire days were ahead and that victory was in jeopardy.

Congratulations to Danica Patrick

 Congrats! "Danica Patrick became the first woman to win the pole position for the Daytona 500, posting a lap of 196.434 mph Sunday. In doing so, she also became the first woman to win a pole at any NASCAR top-division race."

Life Choices

LuLu says she wants to be a marriage counselor when she grows up. I'm not sure what this says about her childhood . . . .

'Tis True

 I am, I admit, a bit of an acquired taste

Saturday, February 16, 2013

The Eisenhower Years

I’ve finished 3 books on President Dwight D. Eisenhower. Mandate for Change and  Waging Peace are Ike’s memoirs of his first and second Presidential terms, respectively.  Going Home to Glory is the story of Ike’s final eight years of life, as told by his grandson David Eisenhower, along with his wife Julie Nixon Eisenhower. 

The two White House memoirs are very dry and told in a strictly factual, unemotional fashion. I still adored them, and finished with a great appreciation for a President overshadowed by the unwarranted adoration for his successor (JFK). Kennedy and his supporters campaigned on the idea that the Eisenhower era was stagnant and parochial, an erroneous assertion that survives to this day.  The truth is far different.

Here was a President who kept the peace in the face of near constant Soviet and Chinese provocation, while simultaneously expanding the ring of ‘containment’ that would eventually break the USSR;  a President who balanced the budget multiple times, at times refusing to cut taxes to do so, and led America to unparalleled prosperity ; a President who included women in his Cabinet and sent federal troops in to desegregate Little Rock schools; a President who warned that any dollar spent on defense above the level of military adequacy was a dollar misspent, and had the military reputation to enforce that doctrine; a President who refused to intervene in Vietnam barring a coalition effort; a President convinced that aiding Latin America and Africa was not only moral but a means of fighting the Cold War; a President who valued bipartisanship and the UN, advocated for a “United States of Europe”, and expanded the reach of social security; but also a President who believed in self-determination, the value of duty, limited Federal intervention, free markets and the moral greatness of America.

His Presidency deserves a second look.

Their contents deserve an A, but given the dull style I can only grade these two a B.

Going Home to Glory begins with the conclusion of his administration and ends with his death in 1969. book is the opposite of his Grandfather’s stylistically; it is warm and endearing and a joy to read. Grade: A.
Also read so far this year: Belles on their Toes by Frank B Gilbreth Jr and Ernestine Gilbreth Carey

 and The Rise of Ransom City by Felix Gilman.

I’d rate the former a B- and the latter a well served A. 


 Argo is a fine movie, just about as good as advertised, and I hope it does well at the Oscars.

Kudos to Ben Affleck, who never deserved all the hate the media piled on him over the last decade. I will say I thought the final airport scene was a little much, and the opening montage (which seeks to explain the political situation) is horribly skewed to favor a Democrat's rationale of events.

Excusing those two miscues, I’d rate this as well deserved A+