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Monday, March 18, 2013

Poor Taste IMO

 I love The Amazing Race, and I was interested to watch this past week's leg in Hanoi, but I was annoyed that one of the stops was at the B52 Memorial, literally the sight of a downed US B52 that lies where it fell. They won, I get it, and they can do what they want; but it's poor taste for a CBS show to use a sign of American defeat and (possibly) death for a relay point on a game show.


 In Lisa's absence I decided to move a large 5 shelf bookcase upstairs myself. Unfortunately I lost control of it at one point in the move and it crashed to the ground - missing our aquarium by all of four inches. I think I've just about used up all my luck for Age 38 - good thing my birthday is tomorrow

The Imposter

Tonight we watched "The Imposter" on Netflix, a documentary about a French criminal who impersonates a missing American boy and is embraced by the boy's family, despite looking nothing like their child. It was a very good film up until an epic twist that I didn't see coming, one that instantly raised this movie to greatness and chilled me to the bone. Stream it as soon as you can. Grade; A+

On the Critical Importance of Timing


Sunday, March 17, 2013

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Am I Tougher Than a Boy Scout?

 Am I "Tougher Than a Boy Scout"? Hmmmm. Well, I can be in the room with a homosexual and not be scared that he will randomly rape, molest, or corrupt the morals of everyone in sight so . . . yeah, I reckon I am.

Smiley the Craftsman

Smiley came downstairs and wanted to show me a bow he crafted from twine and a metal hanger covered in aluminum foil, and an arrow made from a scrap piece of wood.

I was impressed by the appearance but was just putting on a Daddy-face for the demonstration - but damned if he didn't actually fire that arrow from the bow!

"It works??!" I asked him my jaw hanging open.

"Yeah," he said casually. "I make dem all the time."

Wednesday, March 13, 2013


 We watched "Hitchcock" tonight, a 2012 Anthony Hopkins/Helen Mirren biopic about the making of "Psycho". It was fun and informative, and I'm glad we watched it. Grade: B+

Pope Francis is Elected

 White smoke over the Vatican! A new Pope has been selected (but the name has not been released)

Cardinal Bergoglio of Argentina has been named Pope

Bergoglio, a 76 yr old Jesuit, will apparently take the name of Pope Francis, becoming the first Pontiff to take that name.

First impression? A calm, friendly man more reminiscent of a parish priest than a Pontiff. I like him

ABC News has done a respectful job of reporting on the new Papacy, but boo to their translator for having trouble with the Lord's Prayer lol


 We watched "Hitchcock" tonight, a 2012 Anthony Hopkins/Helen Mirren biopic about the making of "Psycho". It was fun and informative, and I'm glad we watched it. Grade: B+