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Friday, March 22, 2013

The Misplaced Bunny

 A bunny LK wanted to buy but misplaced in the store. She cried and cried. After we went to the car, I returned and with luck and perseverance, found it.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Smiley as "Simon"

The review of the Stations of the Cross? Hmm, not good I'm afraid.

Smiley did well, carrying off the pivotal role of Simon with skill and emotional weight, but the rest of the cast was lackluster and divorced from the events they portrayed. Apparently Jesus falls only once, and then merely stumbles from that point on, and Mary didn't seem to care one bit about her son dying in front of her.

The costumes were good, and Smiley's photo is on the cover of the program, but beyond that I'd grade the whole thing a D-.

They ought to be grateful they are only 2nd graders, or it'd be a flat F ;)

Oh my darling boy...the star of the show no not just one star but ***** many stars xxx -Sybil Wilson

The Circle of Life

 On the 19th, my husband's birthday

🙂 Between 2-4am a close friends grandma died, and another couple I know had a beautiful baby boy. Life, death...a big ol mysterious circle - Lisa 🙂 -
Since we missed out on a birthday dinner out last night (no sitters), Lisa and I went out this afternoon. Nothing fancy - just Chinese - but as a treat we both braved the cold and walked to and from the restaurant :)

James Herbert

RIP horror writer James Herbert, age 69

The Awakening

Last night we watched "The Awakening" a moody British ghost story starring Rebecca West that's set in the years after WWI. I enjoyed it very much, and I easily grade it an A.

Monday, March 18, 2013

 To date in 2013: 14 books, 64 movies.

Poor Taste IMO

 I love The Amazing Race, and I was interested to watch this past week's leg in Hanoi, but I was annoyed that one of the stops was at the B52 Memorial, literally the sight of a downed US B52 that lies where it fell. They won, I get it, and they can do what they want; but it's poor taste for a CBS show to use a sign of American defeat and (possibly) death for a relay point on a game show.


 In Lisa's absence I decided to move a large 5 shelf bookcase upstairs myself. Unfortunately I lost control of it at one point in the move and it crashed to the ground - missing our aquarium by all of four inches. I think I've just about used up all my luck for Age 38 - good thing my birthday is tomorrow

The Imposter

Tonight we watched "The Imposter" on Netflix, a documentary about a French criminal who impersonates a missing American boy and is embraced by the boy's family, despite looking nothing like their child. It was a very good film up until an epic twist that I didn't see coming, one that instantly raised this movie to greatness and chilled me to the bone. Stream it as soon as you can. Grade; A+

On the Critical Importance of Timing


Sunday, March 17, 2013

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Am I Tougher Than a Boy Scout?

 Am I "Tougher Than a Boy Scout"? Hmmmm. Well, I can be in the room with a homosexual and not be scared that he will randomly rape, molest, or corrupt the morals of everyone in sight so . . . yeah, I reckon I am.

Smiley the Craftsman

Smiley came downstairs and wanted to show me a bow he crafted from twine and a metal hanger covered in aluminum foil, and an arrow made from a scrap piece of wood.

I was impressed by the appearance but was just putting on a Daddy-face for the demonstration - but damned if he didn't actually fire that arrow from the bow!

"It works??!" I asked him my jaw hanging open.

"Yeah," he said casually. "I make dem all the time."

Wednesday, March 13, 2013


 We watched "Hitchcock" tonight, a 2012 Anthony Hopkins/Helen Mirren biopic about the making of "Psycho". It was fun and informative, and I'm glad we watched it. Grade: B+

Pope Francis is Elected

 White smoke over the Vatican! A new Pope has been selected (but the name has not been released)

Cardinal Bergoglio of Argentina has been named Pope

Bergoglio, a 76 yr old Jesuit, will apparently take the name of Pope Francis, becoming the first Pontiff to take that name.

First impression? A calm, friendly man more reminiscent of a parish priest than a Pontiff. I like him

ABC News has done a respectful job of reporting on the new Papacy, but boo to their translator for having trouble with the Lord's Prayer lol


 We watched "Hitchcock" tonight, a 2012 Anthony Hopkins/Helen Mirren biopic about the making of "Psycho". It was fun and informative, and I'm glad we watched it. Grade: B+

A strange and potentially violent encounter

 A guy came to the door with a slip of paper claiming to think this was a property for rent from a "Mr. Reynolds". When Lisa answered and told him he was mistaken he went next door, then returned and asked her for directions, then wanted to know if she lived alone and if she was married. She tried closing the door and he screamed at her to show him "her titties" and tried to stop the door. I was half asleep two rooms away when I heard this. I yelled and headed for the door and he booked it and drove off by the time I got down the front stairs. F'ing NASCAR getaway. Middle of the f-ing day. WTF?????? Black male, early thirties, 5'11, 220#, black knit cap and scraggly beard


 A guy came to the door with a slip of paper claiming to think this was a property for rent from a "Mr. Reynolds". When Lisa answered and told him he was mistaken he went next door, then returned and asked her for directions, then wanted to know if she lived alone and if she was married. She tried closing the door and he screamed at her to show him "her titties" and tried to stop the door. I was half asleep two rooms away when I heard this. I yelled and headed for the door and he booked it and drove off by the time I got down the front stairs. F'ing NASCAR getaway. Middle of the fucking day. WTF?????? Black male, early thirties, 5'11, 220#, black knit cap and scraggly beard.

Monday, March 11, 2013

The family walks home from school and Junie is almost hit by as car

Today a treat: Lisa joined me in walking the kids home from school today, which the kids loved. The walk went smooth until until a block from home when Junie inexplicably darted into the road and came within three feet of being hit by a car. Aside from that, Mrs. Lincoln reports the play went well.

Truman's Memoirs

 I'm more than a 100 pages into the first volume of Harry Truman's memoirs, and so far I'm not impressed. To date, he seems woefully miscast in the Oval Office, full of blind hero worship of FDR and insistent on the status quo at a time when the situation in the field was changing by the hour. The worst thing, IMO, is that even at the time of the writing (1955) he seems perfectly content with first being briefed about the atom bomb thirteen days (!) after assuming the Presidency. I also have difficulty liking a guy who calls the Foiles Bergere "disgusting". It's early, and there's much of history and memoir to digest, but my whatever the outcome on the job he did I have a feeling I wouldn't have liked him very much in everyday life.

edit from 2022: I actually remember liking the two volume memoir, even if I thought his politics were bunky. It must have picked up the pace a bit after this post LOL

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Oz the Great and Powerful

Team Slap, along with most of Entourage and co., went and saw "Oz the Great and Powerful" today. Beautiful visuals (bringing out several "cools!" from LK and PD) and an engaging story. Yes, there were some anachronisms in the film,, at time Franco seems painfully aware that he's an "Actor" with a capital A, and as plots go it isn't up there with a Charles Kaufman script - but so what? It's about witches and munchkins and a man finding himself and it does all of that well. I grade it a happy A.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

The Wizard of Oz

The lil' ones are watching Wizard of Oz for the first time, and after some annoyance at the sepia scenes they were spellbound by the cyclone. Then, when Dorothy opened the front door and saw Oz for the first time, Junie broke out into a huge, heartfelt grin and said: "Cooooool". Well done Victor Fleming, well done sir.