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Friday, April 19, 2013


Rupert from Survivor fame is now following my Twitter feed. I'm honored - and nervous.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Some Houses in the Neighborhood

On our walks home from school - which are more and more frequent - we pass many beautiful houses. Here's a few of our favorites. 

The first one here is the one Lisa wants me to buy her if I ever win the lottery. 

This next one is off the beaten track (for our walk) but it is GORGEOUS

Finally, my favorite. It has no backyard to speak of and I would miss a porch to read on, but my word is it exquisite. I love this house.

LuLu's Tonsillectomy

Smiley in a religious play

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

 Are you on Twitter? Follow me there @DanSlapczynski

Pat Summerall

 RIP Pat Summerall, age 82.

There's a "United We Stand" banner featuring both the Yankee and Sox logos on Yankee Stadium right now . . . "How 'bout them Yankees...Class act. They'll honor Boston tonight with a moment of silence & Fenway favorite "Sweet Caroline" at end of the 3rd." Ya done me proud boys.