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Thursday, June 20, 2013

A day with Team Slap

Nothing exciting today, but busy? Busy I have. For starters, we took Junie to her College for Kids class, then decided to dine at a local eatery called Hi-Fi. It's a kitchy place with art all over the walls, and Smiley had a blast during lunch playing "I Spy". 

Me? I thought the food was overpriced and average (so overpriced Lisa & Smiley shared a lunch, and I abstained). In addition, a lot of the artwork on the walls had an anti-Christian bent - Pinnochio hanging on a crucifix for instance - and while they're entitled to their opinion it doesn't make it any more comfortable for me to give them my money. 

We then crossed the street and perused a used bookstore, and if you know me you know that was a great half hour. 

When we returned home Smiley and I went out for a jog, doubling back all the way to the restaurant we'd just left. 

Once we picked up Junie from school we went to the laundrymat (our washer is kaput) where Smiley read me the book we'd bought him at the used place ("Kids ask How?") cover to cover :)

Junie did the project below for one of her classes. It's a tic-tac-toe board made of popsicle sticks that folds up accordian-fan style when you aren't playing. The ribbon you use to tie it doubles as a holder for the two different kinds of beads you use as markers. 

What a neat project!

After that we ran several errands before returning home. Not an atypical day around here; Team Slap is nothing but busy!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

James Gandolfini

My heart is aching. RIP the great James Gandolfini, age 51. Tony, you will be missed 🙁

Vince Flynn

RIP bestselling thriller author Vince Flynn, age 47

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Junie's Graduation

June 6th was Junie's graduation from K5 to 1st grade, an event celebrated fondly for each of our kids. This year's event resulted in a fair amount of turmoil, but I will keep that out of this post and simply stick to the bright shiny parts :)

Here's the girl on her big day:

Here are water bottles Lisa customized for the event. She designed and ordered the labels off of Ebay, affixed them, and then decorated them with a ribbon in the school colors. 

Here are Smarties candies that Lisa rolled in paper marked "2013", tied with ribbon and sent in as "diplomas" for the snack table. 

Here's Junie again. 

The big moment arrives: 

A proud grad!

Afterwards we lunched at the Nite Owl. 

Congratulations Junie! We are proud of you and will love you forever!

Monday, June 17, 2013

Fantasy Baseball

The text I posted on my fantasy baseball league's page, protesting a trade-in-progress: "So you're in last place, but you give the guy in 1st a) Hardy, who's on pace for 26 HR and 80 RBI, along with b) a pitcher due to come off the DL next week, in exchange for Tulo, who's out for 4 to 6 weeks. The season runs for *7* more weeks. Are we in a keeper league? Cuz short of that, I'm thinking someone's on the grassy knoll."

Jogging - Day 3

Day 3 of jogging is under my belt. Went out with a reluctant Grace today and set a much faster pace. 80% jogging, 20% walking. Damn near killed my calves. It's not torture, but I'd much rather be riding a bike. Or watching TV. Either/or.

Jack Reacher

I rented "Jack Reacher" today, the first movie I've watched in five or six weeks. Based on the great books by Lee Child, I was initially put out by watching Tom Cruise in the title role. In the books Reacher is around 6'5 and built like a tank, and Cruise is what, 5'6"? In the end I was a convert. Cruise carried off the role, and while the movie was a bit long I enoyed it a lot. GREAT car chase btw.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

A Plea

A plea: sad to say, but after pulling the bikes out for the summer all four kids have either outgrown their bikes or need repairs that aren't worth the cost. The thought of paying full price for four new bikes right now . . . well, it ain't happening, and I''ll never see - or desire - a handout from kin. If you have any bikes available for a 12ish, 10, and 6ish girl or an 8 year old boy and are willing to part with them for a song, please comment here and (then) text me. Thank you!

More Jogging

Went jogging again today, this time with Smiley and Junie. Still horrendous, although the running was a little less so and the company much more irritating. Can we stop and pet the cat? Who lives there? Why we have to stop to breathe? Should we call 911? Bah - give me LuLu's quiet embarrassment any day.