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Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Thanks Crystal!

Thanks to the Facebook status of Crystal G, WE Energies is sending me 5 free window insulation kits, outlet gaskets, and a nightlight. Thanks Crystal! 

"FYI- WE Energies offers FREE weatherization kits to all of it's customers. You get window film and outlet insulators. Call them at 1-(800) 242-9137 to request your kit AND your free cookie book! I just did it We can all afford to save a few bucks."

Sunday, October 20, 2013

An Illogical Rant

I am not exaggerating when I say I am sickened by the current St. Louis/Boston World Series matchup. The only scenario more disgusting would be a Boston-Cubs series. I will not watch so much as an at-bat of this Series, and I maintain some faint hope that a work stoppage will somehow pop up and eliminate this monstrosity from happening at all.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013


A list of my errands to accomplish this morning before going to bed

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Someone stole my Groceries

Left a bag of groceries behind at the register at Pick N' Save, and of course someone stole it. The store employees were rude as hell about it, who knows why - it's not like I expected them to replace them. Ugh. That's why I get for not shopping at Aldi or Piggly Wiggly this morning.  F- Roundy's.

Just FYI

Available at Value Village on 27th and National