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Wednesday, April 23, 2014

I walked the #Centerpieces home from school (YaYa was with friends, LK with Scouts). That was nice, but the day itself is riddled with unwarranted anxiety . . .

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

I took my Mom to Potawatomi!

I took my Mom to Potawatomi casino for a belated birthday lunch yesterday, and she left a winner!
Stranded right now on 794 with a flat tire while en route to class. Nice timing but better than on Easter I guess.

The cross on our bedroom wall

The Window Clings on the Van

I know people make fun of these things all the time, but I don't care - we've always wanted them, and I'm darn proud of them LOL

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Easter Weekend in Fort Atkinson, pt 3

On Easter morning we gave the kids their baskets - and it was quite the feat to keep their contents hidden until that moment. 

Afterwards, a lovely Easter brunch at the Fireside, spoiled only by an ignorant waitress that I overhead criticizing our kids to her co-worker. Then a grand performance of Mary Poppins and a contented ride home.

Easter Weekend in Fort Atkinson, pt 2

We of course attended Easter Mass over the weekend, choosing to attend the iconic Vigil service of Easter Saturday. This gorgeous and moving statue graced the Church vestibule.