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Sunday, April 20, 2014

Easter Weekend in Fort Atkinson, pt 3

On Easter morning we gave the kids their baskets - and it was quite the feat to keep their contents hidden until that moment. 

Afterwards, a lovely Easter brunch at the Fireside, spoiled only by an ignorant waitress that I overhead criticizing our kids to her co-worker. Then a grand performance of Mary Poppins and a contented ride home.

Easter Weekend in Fort Atkinson, pt 2

We of course attended Easter Mass over the weekend, choosing to attend the iconic Vigil service of Easter Saturday. This gorgeous and moving statue graced the Church vestibule.

Easter Weekend in Fort Atkinson

Team Slap decided to spend Easter weekend with our friend JJ and her daughter in Fort Atkinson, with a lovely Easter brunch and performance of Mary Poppins at the Fireside Theatre. Here are some pictures taken at the hotel on Saturday night. 

Later that night we all went out to a casual dinner at a local Subway.

 Just back from a lovely weekend trip to the the Fireside Theater. Details and pictures to follow later

Junie and YaYa

Saturday, April 19, 2014