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Thursday, May 8, 2014

Junie picks out a First Communion Dress - May 2nd, 2014

Next year our little Junie is receiving her First Communion, and in longstanding #TeamSlap tradition we hit the after-season clearance sales to pick our her dress a year early. Big sister YaYa went along and snapped these pictures as we hit several stores at the mall.

All the dresses were beautiful, and this next pic aside so was both Junie's mood and the experience!

Here's the winning dress. It was never Lisa's choice, but in her words "after two other daughters, I know enough to know it's not about me. She feels beautiful in it, and that's what matters the most." Personally, although I liked all - or almost all - of the dresses, and certainly all the ones pictured here, I did think this one had a certain panache that fit Junie's personality. 

Afterwards, the four of us dined at Buca Di Beppo. 

Congrats on the dress Junie! I can't wait to see you wear it next spring! XOXO

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Friends - Ten Years later

Do you know where you were ten years ago today? I know what Lisa and I were doing. We were glued to our TV watching the series finale of Friends. RIP my sitcom love - we still miss you!

Kramp and Adler

For the past four weeks we've been taking Smiley to voice lessons at a local music studio. He loves it, the teacher seems to like him, and all is well. We'll see if we can afford to continue it once dance resumes in the fall.

Monday, May 5, 2014

An Owl by My Window


Sunday, May 4, 2014

A Recap

1. The second show of the recital went much better, with Lauren proudly remembering her dance and GC/OJ taking the stage for the family dance. 

 2. My last shift at work was one of the most brutal, suffocating, titanicly boring 8 hours of my life. It is a misery that cannot, nay, MUST NOT, be repeated. All blame goes to Thomas G, who apparently thinks bettering the lives of his family is more important than sticking around to entertain me. What a selfish pr**k. 

3. #TeamSlap spent the afternoon at Lisa's Dad's house, emptying and cleaning a spare bedroom for the return of Lisa's stepmom from a care facility. Kudos to all of 'em for busting their butts for no reward but the satisfaction of helping someone else. Good job
Dying my hair. - YaYa (with LuLu and Lisa)

Dancing Soldier

Saturday, May 3, 2014

How this recital went

The first show of the dance recital had some ups and downs. Lu forgot her dance shoes at home (situation resolved) but later also discovered she was missing one of her 3 costumes, which scratched the long awaited #TeamSlap family dance with her and YaYa. Junie also fumbled nearly her whole dance. Kudos to our Junie on her honesty though: Lisa gave her an out, blaming a music miscue, to which she responded "That wasn't it. I just forgot everything." They're en route to the second show, which should (knock on wood) go smoother 🙂
At the 2014 Arabesque dance recital - at Nathan Hale High School