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Saturday, June 28, 2014

At Beulah Brinton waiting outside YaYa's guitar class

RIP - 100 Years On

Today marks the 100th anniversary of the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife, the pivotal event that started the First World War and changed the course of the rest of the century, and beyond. 

Friday, June 27, 2014

Picking up YaYa from Camp

@ Camp Alice Chester picking up YaYa

Anxiety is Horrible

An issue with Marquette that dominated my thoughts and led me to concoct all kinds of disaster scenarios for the last 14 hours was resolved by the Dean - in literally less than five minutes from the time I sent her an email. Talk about "drowning in a cup of water" Danny Boy. LOL


From one news feed on my wall: US president Barack Obama has asked Congress to approve $500 million to train and equip Syrian rebels seeking to oust president Bashar al-Assad


From one news feed on my wall: US president Barack Obama has asked Congress to approve $500 million to train and equip Syrian rebels seeking to oust president Bashar al-Assad

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Lebron News

From ESPN: LeBron James opts out of his Miami Heat contract and will become an unrestricted free agent July 1st

Picnic at Hanging Rock

Inspired by a recent post from Sandra M Gr-ski I just watched "Picnic at Hanging Rock". Afterwards, despite her warnings I looked up the excised final chapter of the source novel to find the "solution". Said solution is best forgotten.