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Saturday, August 9, 2014

The loss of the Photinia

Many years ago, when I was just a small child - I put it at around 1978 to 1982 - I remember a merchant vessel running aground in Lake Michigan, just off the shore here in Milwaukee. That's a little fancy for the way I *actually* remember it: "Stuck in the mud" is the way my young mind learned of it, and "Stuck in the mud" is still the way I think of it today. I vaguely recall the ship making the front page of the local paper(s), and I clear as day remember my Dad taking us to watch the ship from shore. 

The thing is, for the longest time I seemed to be the only person in Milwaukee who remembers this. Heck, I once asked my Dad and HE had no recollection of the event. I even put feelers out from time to time online, and no one had any leads. 

I was beginning to think I took a minor incident - say, a yacht or powerboat getting stuck - and inflated its importance in my young mind. And that was a shame, because it was such a powerful memory from my childhood, even though it probably consumed all of half an hour of my life and by any objective evaluation was minor and inconsequential.

So I put out a plea on FB: 
I think I've mentioned this before, but let me ask again: when I was a kid, sometime around '78-'82, there was a merchant ship that got stuck off the coast of Milwaukee ("stuck in the mud" is what I recall). It was on the front page of the Journal for a minute, and my loopy kid memory says it might have been stuck offshore for up to a month. My Dad took us kids to the lakefront to look at it at one time. Does anyone else recall this?

This time though . . . this time Lisa's Uncle Bruce saw my request for information and not only confirmed my memory, he came up with hardcore information proving it!

The picture below is of the Photinia as it lay stuck off the shore of Milwaukee. It was waiting to enter the Port of Milwaukee with a load of grain when she dragged anchor and got caught on a reef. 

The helicopter in the photo is presumably helping rescue the 33 crew members on board (all survived). The Photinia was declared a loss and scrapped. Additional information, as relayed by Uncle Bruce, can be found below, along with two pictures of the ship in happier days. 

Oh, and the date of this event? May 13, 1978. That means I was four years and two months old when this happened, and the memory of it has stuck with me all these years. Strange, the human mind, no? 

Thanks again Bruce!

PHOTINIA Other names : none Official no. : BR187933 Type at loss : propeller motor freighter, steel, bulk fright Build info : 1961, Redhead & Sons, South Shields, England Specs : 480x60x25, 7,660 gt Date of loss : 1978, May 13 Place of loss : off Milwaukee Lake : Michigan Type of loss : storm Loss of life : none Carrying : light Detail : Having just come up from Chicago, the ship was standing off Milwaukee, waiting to enter the harbor to load grain, when she dragged anchor and went on a reef off St. Francis Power Plant. Her crew of 33 was rescued by Coast Guard helicopters, and the vessel was later brought in to Sturgeon Bay. There it was decided that, due to the heavily damaged condition of her bottom, she was a constructive total loss of $2.5 million. Had participated in the repair and laying of communications cable near New Zealand in 1977. Image from Sources : nsp,is(3-78),mpl,ac

Several readers correctly identified the April mystery ship as the motor vessel Photinia. Ray Hedley (3rd Mate Photinia 1969) of Sudbury, Suffolk supplied the following information: Photinia was built by John Readhead & Sons, South Shields for Stag Line Ltd, North Shields, and was delivered in 1961. The 7,665gt vessel measured 480ft by 60ft and had an average speed of 13 knots. She was a 10,500dwt bulk carrier, with four holds separating the aft and midship accommodation/bridge, and a further two holds forward of the bridge. She was a tramp ship, and was used to carry any type of bulk cargo. Like most of the Stag Line vessels, she often traded in the Great Lakes when they were ice-free. In 1965 she had a career change when she was converted by Readheads into a cable layer, and Harry Pollitt’s photograph was taken while she was loading cable in Manchester, at BICC’s (Glovers) submarine cable loading gantry on Trafford Wharf, Manchester Docks, prior to sailing to New Zealand, where the cable was laid in the Cook Strait. The job was completed in May 1965, and for a while she remained on charter to BICC, laying a further cable between the islands of Trinidad and Tobago. Following the removal of the cable-laying gear, Photinia returned to tramping. In May 1978 she was caught in a bad storm while anchored off Milwaukee in Lake Michigan and was driven aground, fortunately without loss of life. She was declared a constructive total loss, but was eventually refloated and towed to Sturgeon Bay, where her machinery was removed. Over a year later, in November 1979, she arrived in Kewaunee, Wisconsin and was broken up for scrap. In 1961 Photinia had cost £919,216 to build and 17 years later, as a total loss, she realised £953,426 from insurers.

Friday, August 8, 2014


ABC News is reporting that the death this week of James Brady (the Reagan Press Sec. wounded in the 1981 assassination attempt) has been ruled a homicide, with Hinkley named as his killer.

 [crickets chirp] 

Uh, a.) he was 73 b.) the family said he died of natural causes c) the shooting was 33 years ago. 

I know I've only taken one criminal law class in my time at Marquette, but good luck selling that shooting as the proximate cause of his death. And isn't it understood that for a wound to be responsible for a homicide it must have occurred within a year and a day of the death (at least in WI)? 

If he was an average Joe, you wouldn't hear squat about such baloney. It's an attempt to garner some free press and make a pitch for gun control all, as usual, on the taxpayer dime.


Kudos to President Obama for authorizing airstrikes against ISIS in Iraq. He should have done it months ago, just like he should never have left the country to twist in the wind alone in the first place, and in the end the job probably won't get done without boots on the ground, BUT . . . it's something.
After a 3 day truce Hamas launched 50 rockets into Israel today, and in return Israel has resumed strikes against Gaza. Somehow, the Big Media will mold this into an undeserved act of Israeli aggression.

Enough PR

We may be done watching #ProjectRunway for the year. Sandhya won - AGAIN - and once again, it was with an ugly, POS design that the judges lapped up despite the evidence in front of their eyes. No doubt the woman can spin a good story describing why her ugly work is fraught with symbolism, but she cannot design clothing worthy of the show. The judges are casting their ballots based on her ethnicity and *not* talent. #reverseracism #PCrunamok #jumpedtheshark #done

Seven on the 7th! Happy Birthday Junie!

"Seven on the 7th" is a phrase that Lisa coined as a leadup to Junie's Golden Birthday! This year her party was held on the big day itself at Cool Waters, a water park run by Milwaukee County.  The day started with a full 7 hours of College for Kids at UWM, where Junie took a treat to each of her three classes. Then we picked up the kids, braved horrendous State Fair and Brewers traffic, and headed to the waterpark!

 The party started with ninety minutes of good ole fashioned waterpark fun, as we sent the kids out to enjoy the water on a gorgeous summer day!

Here's a pic of YaYa, the other half of our "Bookends"!

 Some of her friends from school:

Smiley and LuLu mastered the obstacle area:

 Lisa's stepsister's daughter joined in the fun!

Here's Junie and her bestie Temps!

Me and my girl!

 YaYa trying on Grandma's shades:

Ignore the big guy in the picture:  here's me after going down the tube slide with Junie! I went down the slide with three of my four (YaYa declined my offer, probably because I had turned her down earlier when fixing up the party area)

At 6:30 dinner was served

Only Junie was allowed to have pizza, and we put a candle in it and used it as to sing "Happy Birthday" :)

Then, while waiting on desert, Junie opened her gifts (note: my sister, her Godmother, had mailed her a gift and card earlier in the week)

 At one of his classes at UWM Smiley hand sewed a silver pillow and puppet for his sister! Man was she thrilled!

 Here are her other spectacular gifts:

Then it was on to our gifts for her. No, her facial expressions are not for the camera. They were spontaneous.

This one was just from Daddy :)

Then the big gift. Paid for, as was the party, through the hard work of Mama Bear. 

 Yup, she got her very own tablet and headphones. For months she's been moping that "Everyone has electricity [electronics] but me!" - what a great kid quote - so now she has some "electricity" of her own :)

She had one more gift to open (her maternal grandmother's)

And then it was time to tidy up while the kids enjoyed one last hour in the pool!

 Here's the treat the park provided (the stuff inside we put together) before heading home.

Once home, Junie used me as a punching bag: 

And I took her with me on a late night (well, 9:30) run to the grocery store as a special treat. She commented on how she wasn't used to seeing stars in the sky, given her bedtime, which was cute. 

Oh, btw: Lisa made a great dessert for the party, a blue pudding "sea" with a graham cracker crumb "beach" on which a Teddy Graham sat on a blanket made of a sour strip, all beneath the blessed shade of a cocktail umbrella and with a life preserver floating nearby. 

 Unfortunately, the heat of the day and the traffic jam that delayed our arrival at the park caused the project to go wonky, and Lisa threw them all out rather than give them to the guests and have them think she couldn't pull off a great dessert. These pics are the last glimpses of the treat - and please, keep in mind they are far from what they looked like at their peak.

So there you have it. My Junie - aka my Lump, my Ginger, my Bookend, my baby doll angel cakes honey bunches of oats is seven. I can't believe it. I'm actually near the point of shedding tears here, so I'm going to sign off now.

Happy Birthday Baby. May you celebrate a hundred more!