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Saturday, September 6, 2014

We Had a Great Time

A belated mention: #TeamSlap spent Friday night at a BBQ with Brian and DeLaura t and family. We had a good time, and best of all, on the drive home the kids said they had fun and that "we should do this more often."

No Punch Back

During the walk junie and I discussed the possible benefits of buying a Beetle; gas mileage was my point. Hers? "If we were driving in it we could watch people punch each other" [aka "white punch buggie no punch back"]

Thursday, September 4, 2014

50 Years

Today marks the 50th anniversary of The Beatles concert here in Milwaukee.

Joan Rivers

RIP the great Joan Rivers, one of the funniest comedians of all time- not just female comedian, but comedian PERIOD. You'll be missed.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Thoughts and prayers for a full recovery for Joan Rivers


Let's Be Cops

Last night after class Lisa and I went to see "Let's Be Cops" at Marcus Theatres SouthShore. It's not going to win any Oscars, and you really need to suspend your disbelief, but it's LOL and worth watching - esp. at $5 a ticket.


Thank you CVS

Good on #CVS pharmacies for choosing to stop selling cigarettes. I find it incredibly ironic that the same cashier at #Walgreens that will sell you a pack will then thank you with their tagline of "Be Well". #welldoneCVS #WalgreensPayAttention

Don't Go There

What is the most important lesson to take away from Lt. Joe Kenda #HomocideHunter? Uh, how about that Colorado Springs is a very very violent place. #notaboonfortourism