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Saturday, March 14, 2015

The Ghost Ship Festival 2015

Attending the Ghost Ships Festival/SCUBA trade show at the Crowne Plaza

The lecturer . . . leaves something to be desired. Tre and I almost burst out laughing a minute ago. Gotta keep it together. He's piping in Pink Floyd as background music. Lol

The second presentation was less structured but much more interesting.

The third and final presentation of the morning was a comprehensive archeological, historical, and cultural study of the Pewabic. Worth the admission cost by itself.

LOL. Lost in translation? From the back of an item at the SCUBA trade show here

Happy Pi Day from Ike!


Making a Birds Nest

Making a birds nest 7 year old  style

Friday, March 13, 2015

Dinner Out

With Lisa and the #Odds at Omega Restaurant. 

Dinner with the Odds

 With #TheOdds and Lisa at Omega

The Hair Smiley

Feast your eyes on this: one of my kids took the hair out of the bathtub drain a few weeks ago, but rather than throw it away they designed a smiley face with it and left it on the shower wall. *shakes head*


The Shower Hair Smile

 As long as I'm stuck in this waiting room, feast your eyes on this: one of my kids took the hair out of the bathtub drain a few weeks ago, but rather than throw it away they designed a smiley face with it and left it on the shower wall. *shakes head*

Thursday, March 12, 2015

 Just got chased down by a crazy demon chihuahua. I hate dogs - YaYa

Well, girl scout cookie delivery requires bravery apparently lol - Lisa

 world population: 7,910,521,683

just in case somebody starts feeling too important - YaYa

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

David Baldacci "The Forgotten"

I read an interview with Lee Child in which he discussed, in childish spite, his distaste of Baldacci for "ripping off" his Reacher series.
Naturally, this pushed me to read one of the disputed books.
The first few chapters were good, but it steadily went downhill from there. Wooden dialogue and an endless number of one sentence paragraphs lay ahead.
Child is a skilled writer; Baldacci a skilled workman. I don't see the book as a copy, or a threat, to Child.

Two pics of Junie

 Ginger/Junie, last Saturday 

Tuesday, March 10, 2015



 At long last - the windchimes we bought on our vacation are up!

Nicely Done LIsa

 The preparation for tonight's Thirty One party include this massive tray that includes each of the Girl Scout cookies available in Milwaukee county.

 I'm watching The Carbanaro Effect, one of YaYa's recommendations. I did pause it tho to watch Hillary Clinton address her email controversy.