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Friday, July 31, 2015

Rowdy Piper

RIP the great Rowdy Roddy Piper, wrestling legend and one of my faves as a kid. :(

The Milwaukee Lion (update)

I heard a conspiracy theory that said the lion was a creation of the Mayor's office, one designed to keep North siders inside at night and slow the homicide rate. A juicy story, but a stretch.

In non-tin foil hat news, Fox6 is reporting that tracks have been photographed, and are confirmed to be from a large feline with retractable claws.


To top off the last hour, I was at Walmart and slipped on some hangers that were left on the floor. I fell, driving my knees into the concrete floor, scraping and bruising them both. The manager had me fill out a form, making sure to blame it on a careless customer. Which may be true, but as Justice Holmes would respond, the banana peel was black and rotten: they should have picked up the area.

He Could Have Been Our Doggo

Although I do not favor dogs, and consider them far inferior to cats, I am smitten with one that is available and have failed to convince Lisa it is worth at least a looksie. As she is smarter than me, she continues to say no. As I am more obnoxious and persistent than her, I continue to ask. It's quite the merry go-round, minus the "merry" bit.

FYI, the dog in discussion.

Update The dog is gone, adopted into another family. Lisa wins. NEVER let her convince you she doesn't wield a fair share of influence here, or that I "always" get my way. #unhappy #pissy

Thursday, July 30, 2015

My Swim Class

LK came to watch me at swim class tonight.

4 Pounds

Down another four + pounds. Sadly, my first thought was "We should go to Olive Garden to celebrate".


We tried a new (to us) restaurant in Bay View tonight, courtesy of the certificate Lisa won in the talent show. The food was great, the prices reasonable by BV standards, and the bar itself inviting. The waitress wasn't very good (gave us the wrong appetizer, took it back, and brought out the correct one AFTER dinner!) but we'll be back.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Here We Go Again

The cops are back, presumably for the neighbors. Or they took that "dragging a body through the woods" meme too seriously. Either/or.

My Thoughts - the trophy hunter

All well and good to criticize the dentist who shot that beloved lion in Africa, but uh, folks? That country allows and encourages trophy hunting, presumably because the income the tourism brings in is of immense value to its impoverished people. 

Once again, the First World screams in protest over an animal but ignores the millions of humans in poverty, especially since they're African. 

You want to save your precious lion? Build their economy and eliminate the incentive to allow the sport. #hypocrites

A Funny and a Truth

Tuesday, July 28, 2015


Two years ago LuLu went around constantly asking "Who invented . . . ?". Now Smiley, at that same age, starts out every fifth sentence by saying "Did you know . . . " followed by some obscure trivia :)

My Thoughts

The intellectual world's obsession AGAINST professional athletes annoys me, as if it's impossible to appreciate and follow sports and still be intelligent. It's petty jealousy by snobs. I can quote batting averages from 1941 off the top of my head, and dissect a boxing match in progress. It doesn't stop me from knowing who was Eisenhower's attorney general. As for their pay, if only 600 people in the world had the skill set to operate a McDonald's, those 600 would be making a few million a year too.

Friday the 13th - The Series

Great show. I miss it



Just woke up to 14 tactical officers storming the house next door - body armor, helmets, rifles, battering rams, etc. 

Update: They ordered us to stay inside until the house was secure, and then we had to start our day. When I returned two hours later they were still there, then they abruptly departed en masse around 10 after about four and a half hours.

Monday, July 27, 2015

My Day

I still haven't gone back to bed. After dropping off GC at her job and OJ at the camp shuttle, Lisa and I watched two episodes of "White Collar Brawlers", then PD and I went to Home Depot. I've changed the bulbs in the motion light, replaced a rotten board on the shed, and repainted the trim on the shed. A big thank you to LK and PD for their help!

LuLu's Heading to Camp

LuLu started another week of Camp Silverbrook this morning.


Yesterday, after cutting the lawn, I went for a bike ride with LK and about two blocks from the store my hip went crazy. I made it to the store but for the first time had to call Lisa to come give me a ride home (good bit: Lisa biked home with LK on my bike). Tonight I woke up after two hours of sleep with my hip again acting wonky. Especially considering how mild the accident seemed, this injury is ridiculous. #ugh

Sunday, July 26, 2015

The Milwaukee Lion

As soon as the police confirmed the existence of the Milwaukee Lion, Facebook lit up with comments begging for it to be spared. "0h please oh please oh please don't hurt it," one person pleaded. Where were these sentiments when 90 odd humans were killed this year in Milwaukee?  Oh,  I forgot. They were busy dismissing it because it was "just"  the North side, or sniping at the city while they themselves quit and moved to their precious suburb. My bad.

Darn Right

At Mass this evening the Priest gave a homily centered around the life of Vincent Willem van Gogh. As the story progressed he went on about how "a doctor" helped van Gogh, about how "a doctor" saved his life in his hour of need, about how "a doctor" was there for him, etc. 

I elbowed YaYa and leaned over. "Not *a* doctor," I whispered, "THE Doctor"

Things Never Change

My Thoughts - On How to Improve Milwaukee

If it was an either/or where either my neighborhood was safe from violent crime, or yours on the North side, then tough luck and remember to duck. The instinct to protect one's own is paramount and should be encouraged  But it's NOT either/or, or shouldn't be. There's no excuse for 91 murders in less than seven full months, most concentrated in or near a single zip code. We are one city, not two, and the tendency to look the other way and let the North side burn is abhorrent. Let it continue and we'll all be Detroit, not just a neighborhood in 53206. I have to get off my ass and make a difference, and you should too. All our future's are at stake.

Agreed but easier said then done when your neighbor is selling from his porch, two lots are vacant, and the only business in a half mile is a liquor store. One idea I've had,v and this is top of the head stuff, is to recruit a business into those areas through tax and property incentives in exchange for a mandatory # of employees hired and retained from within that zip code. And I know the market is poor, but why is the City still retaining ownership of foreclosured properties? If you can't sell them, give them at reduced rates to folks who agree to retain residence, off govt assistance and without convictions for ten years. It gets that house occupied and property taxes coming in.

And I doubt the legality or PR of closing streets due to crime, but if there is a known strip then why doesn't the city mysteriously close it for non existent road work at night?

double down on the suburban slum lords who rent out crime nests. Hit them in the wallet and take away their rental property.

MPS isn't as bad as advertised. Show up and don't f* around and you'll get your education. public schools will always be hindered by the necessity of accepting everyone. more emphasis needs to be placed on those that try.

Why are you calling me??

The Duff

Very cute movie. Worth the overdue charge from Redbox, and from me that's saying something.