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Friday, November 6, 2015

A Good Night of Bowling (for me)

 Tonight I bowled a 128, 101, and 138.


Smiley, walking into the living room this morning and seeing Star Wars Lego on TV: "[snorts in disgust] They managed to make Star Wars even lamer."

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Answered Prayers

I'm religious but not big on prayers of petition, as I think God favors us when we do our own work, but . . . I honestly think the intercession of St. Anthony just resolved a situation in an unlikely way - and in answer to the prayer of a non-Catholic too. #blessed

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

The BEST answer

Me, to Smiley, after doing something spectacular: Who's the best Dad ever?

Smiley: *I* will be, someday.

Me: Good answer, boy . .. The BEST answer.

The JuneBug

Me and LK after her ENT appointment, waiting for a store to open so we could buy Smiley's Halloween costume.

A Helping Hand

Smiley helping me repair the back gate last week.

Junie The Artist

Some pretty darn impressive artwork Junie showed me on the walk home from school yesterday.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015


Lisa made cauliflower cheese soup and chicken fajitas with the leftover veggie tray from the party, and is considering making creamy radish soup with the rest. #DamnGoodCook

Monday, November 2, 2015


Congrats to Ned Yost and the Kansas City Royals on their world championship!

What a Great Feeling

What gorgeous weather! And it's good to see some of the kids are still so happy to see me meet them on their walk home that they'll run a block to hug me :)

Winter Prep

We cleaned and prepped the backyard for winter today, and it involved an awful lot of frustration and threats to get the kids to do anything. Sometimes I'm certain they could build the Hoover Dam in a day if they wanted to, and on other days I can't get them to wipe their butt without guidance. Thank God Lisa got home and cracked the whip midway through, or we'd still be out there.

What Generosity

My niece wanted Lisa to send her a pic of the toaster we bought her, so she could see what it looks like. This is what we sent LOL

Sunday, November 1, 2015

LuLu has a fit

LuLu is literally whining and stomping her feet yelling "Take me to the library!" What a dork. #DNACannotBeOvercome

update: LuLu just blocked me on Facebook and reported me as a bully. "Have fun having one less daughter," she said.

update 2: After making her watch football for an hour as punishment, I drove LuLui down to Central library. I was stopped by an old co-worker from the '90's and chatted for ten minutes or so, again annoying my daughter. "Why do you have to stop and talk to someone everywhere we go?? Why can't you just be normal? 

Also, this gem: "I still disown you. You're not my father, you're my legal guardian now. I still love you, but that's because it's normal to have feelings for your guardian."

Twenty Questions

Lisa and I went to dinner at the restaurant where Caitlin works, and  our niece did a fine job of trying to squirrel out of my questions about her plans. :)

Saturday, October 24, 2015


We bought a second hand suit to rip up for Smiley's Zombie costume. The trouble is, when he tried it on he looked so damn good we're saving it for Christmas mass. So, if anyone has a boys suit to spare PLEASE contact me. Thanks.

Friday, October 23, 2015



What's Wrong with Me?

Two days in a row now I've walked out of the gas station and got in the wrong car. On day one I even set off an alarm, and STILL didn't realize it wasn't my Taurus until I saw the Diet Coke in the cup holder (we're a Pepsi family). 

Apparently I'm an idiot.

My Scores

In order to clear the evening for YaYa's birthday, I pre-bowled for my league. (FYI, when you're the only person bowling in the building, it is LOUD. OTOH, it's much quicker when you don't drink shots between frames). I bowled a 97, 100, and 89.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

He's Back!

Smiley is back from his first ever sleepover at a friend's house!

Saturday, October 17, 2015


I firmly determined that my mannerisms and speech in public would always reflect the cheerful certainty of victory—that any pessimism and discouragement I might ever feel would be reserved for my pillow. - D.D. Eisenhower #GreatMan #Ike

Night Court

Mac's 1st episode! S2/E1 "The Nun"

Heck yup.

Pro Tip

When you find that an author of a work of history places quotation marks around a word or concept that does not normally require it, your Spidey-sense  should start to tingle. 

Maybe the concept does have a duplicitous meaning, but more often than not it means the author has an agenda and is guiding her work within a less-than impartial framework. #Tip