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Sunday, November 1, 2015

LuLu has a fit

LuLu is literally whining and stomping her feet yelling "Take me to the library!" What a dork. #DNACannotBeOvercome

update: LuLu just blocked me on Facebook and reported me as a bully. "Have fun having one less daughter," she said.

update 2: After making her watch football for an hour as punishment, I drove LuLui down to Central library. I was stopped by an old co-worker from the '90's and chatted for ten minutes or so, again annoying my daughter. "Why do you have to stop and talk to someone everywhere we go?? Why can't you just be normal? 

Also, this gem: "I still disown you. You're not my father, you're my legal guardian now. I still love you, but that's because it's normal to have feelings for your guardian."

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