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Thursday, November 26, 2015

A Full Day

Yesterday Lisa and I went with Lu to visit my Mom in the hospital, only to find the rumor of her admittance was just that - a false rumor. So we went to visit Lisa's step-mom Louise in the care facility where she is recovering from a stroke. Lisa had arranged for a friend to come and professionally do Louise's nails. While that was going on I took Lu to visit at my Mom's to find out what was going on (good luck raising them on the phone). It was a nice, relaxing visit. Then, back to visit Louise. Then we stopped and visited my Great Aunt Mabel, who at 93 sometimes finds herself stuck in a happy scene from years past, but despite the lateness of the hour she was sharp as a tack and as always an impressive figure. A nice humble way to start the Thanksgiving holiday.

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