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Friday, November 13, 2015

When is Enough Enough?

As I'm sure you've heard. today 35 or more people were killed in a series of terrorist attacks in Paris: a bombing outside a stadium, a shooting at a restaurant, and a hostage situation. The perpetrators were heard to be calling "Allah Akbar". 

There are millions, hundreds of millions, of Muslims who are good and just people despite following a religion that values the sword, just as there are millions of Christians who are vile despite following a religion of love and peace. But get your head out of the sand:  so long as the extremists are out there in numbers, the world IS at war, and civilization is at stake. Europe should close it's borders and expel the " refugees" who so conveniently left their woman and children behind. #Truth #PrayForParis

One World Trade is lit in blue, white and red in solidarity with the people of France after the Paris attacks.

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