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Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Lie to them about meaningless things and they'll doubt the truth about the important ones.

Bah. None of our kids believed beyond three or four because when they asked, we told them "Of course we're Santa." Lie to them about meaningless things and they'll doubt the truth about the important ones.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

My Thoughts - Abortion

Not looking for an abortion debate here, but . . . arguing that because a pro-lifer isn't willing to adopt or pay for every unwanted child her argument is hypocritical and moot is just plain dumb. I don't want to assume your bills either, but that doesn't remove my right, and my obligation, to object to a plan to eliminate you.

False Memory by Dan Krokos

A book Smiley read recently. He's since moved on to the Harry Potter series (now on #3)

Friday, November 27, 2015

Rocky IV

In preparation for taking Parker to see the new Rocky movie tomorrow I had to introduce him to the series. IMO, IV is the worst of the bunch, a comic book monstrosity, BUT it has all the core characters and is the most kid friendly entry. Smiley liked it!

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Makin' Friends

Last night YaYa and I watched the episode of Doctor Who where Clara finally bit the dust. We had a great time. Alas, I then refused to watch Misery - it's a great film, but it . . . discomforts me - and twelve hours later she still isn't talking to me. Such is parenthood.

YaYa: This whole house is awful.

Me: Why?

YaYa: Because you're in it.


Monday, November 23, 2015

Did You Know?

It's true. Of the 600 people in the building, only about 130 escaped without serious injury.

Friday, November 20, 2015

Charlie Dick

RIP Charlie Dick, husband of the late Patsy Cline. I remember him best as the abusive husband played by Ed Harris in "Sweet Dreams," but Dick claimed that was largely fiction. At any rate, much of Cline's enduring legacy can be laid at the feet of the work Dick did to promote her music after her death.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

John Anderson

John Anderson, allegedly the last remaining survivor of the USS Arizona, has passed away at age 98. RIP sir.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Revenge of the Nerds

Most of the plot would result in criminal charges in this day and age

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Gross Meal

One of the kids left behind a half-eaten peanut butter and onion sandwich on wheat bread. #Gross

No one will admit to it,  meaning even the one that ate it knows its questionable, especially when the house was filled with food (including two types of jelly/preserves!). Weirdos.

We commonly have "fend for yourself night"... Lisa and I get so sick of cooking! But peanut butter and onion????????


Me: You've got a good looking Dad, kid.

LuLu: Yup. It's a shame I've never met him.

Impractical Jokers at the Riverside

Lisa and I just got back from seeing #TheTenderloins comedy troupe, stars of Impractical Jokers, at the Riverside. It was a blast, ESPECIALLY when Murr ate dog poop on a bet! LOL. Better pics - from our camera -may follow later.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Smiley was a zombie for Halloween, as you might remember, but he wanted it kept off FB until the holiday to preserve secrecy. The week of Halloween they allowed kids to wear their costumes to dance class, and when Lisa and I went to pick him up, I pulled up to where he could see our car, screamed "Zommbie invasion!" then took off like a bat out of hell, leaving him and OJ standing outside the studio. They were not as amused as Lisa and I were LOL

Monday, November 9, 2015

Starbucks and the War on Christmas

My take on the Starbucks red cup "War on Christmas" controversy: I believe the whole hoopla was manufactured by the company, through well-timed stories and a flurry of internet trolls in their employ. Well done greedy makers of overpriced burnt coffee, well done.

I'm a Proud Dad

Saturday was a great day for #TeamSlap. Smiley had a yardwork job, as you've seen; Lulu had her first (official) babysitting gig; and YaYa went to the movies with a boy who drove her to the show in his own car. Proud of all my kids.

Ear Woes

Lisa took LK to the ENT today because she continues to have problems with one of her ear tubes clogging. Medicine has failed to clear it, so the doc is having us put hydrogen peroxide in the ear twice daily for ten days. If that doesn't work, Junie will need to go under to have the blockage cleared. :(

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Bumper Bowling

This evening I took the Juniors to bumper bowling at Bay View Bowl. No tears, thank Heavens, although Junie did get grumpy and call me a show-off. If you ever want to give your ego a boost, bowl with a 10 and 8 year old.

Smiley the Workin' Man

Yesterday Smiley went to New Berlin to rake leaves for Alys H and Jim F.  With the money he earned burning a hole in his pocket, I took him to Southridge Mall for a pretzel, then to Walmart, where he bought a Nerf-esque bow and arrow and a pack of Pokémon cards (total cost: just over ten bucks).

Friday, November 6, 2015

A Good Night of Bowling (for me)

 Tonight I bowled a 128, 101, and 138.


Smiley, walking into the living room this morning and seeing Star Wars Lego on TV: "[snorts in disgust] They managed to make Star Wars even lamer."

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Answered Prayers

I'm religious but not big on prayers of petition, as I think God favors us when we do our own work, but . . . I honestly think the intercession of St. Anthony just resolved a situation in an unlikely way - and in answer to the prayer of a non-Catholic too. #blessed

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

The BEST answer

Me, to Smiley, after doing something spectacular: Who's the best Dad ever?

Smiley: *I* will be, someday.

Me: Good answer, boy . .. The BEST answer.

The JuneBug

Me and LK after her ENT appointment, waiting for a store to open so we could buy Smiley's Halloween costume.

A Helping Hand

Smiley helping me repair the back gate last week.

Junie The Artist

Some pretty darn impressive artwork Junie showed me on the walk home from school yesterday.