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Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Surgery Eve

Tomorrow morning is my surgery. I've tried to get done what I could beforehand, knowing I'll be out of action awhile. I put air in all the tires, ran some errands, stocked up on household products, and made sure to walk the kids home from school, as it's the last time it'll probably happen until spring. Now all that's left is setting the alarm for the wee hours.

 I'm at Candy Cane Lane with Lisa and Junie 

Monday, December 14, 2015

Technically, the task was completed

"Put the silverware away Smiley," I said.

Goodbye dear toaster

After 19 years the 4 slice Proctor-Silex toaster  Lisa and I got as a wedding present went kaput, ruining the last good thing to come out of that day. ;) So here's the new one, complete with fancy-dancy buttons and removable crumb trays. If you bought us the original toaster, thank you.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Finals = done

I've finished and submitted both of my take home finals for law school.They weren't due until the end of the week but with the surgery coming up I wanted them out of the way. My first semester as an L2 is now complete.

Good Attendance Night

On Thursday Smiley and Junie earned a ticket to a Good Attendance award event after school. YaYa tagged along with me and got hugs from the kids she babysat over the summer and greetings from old classmates. 

We decorated a Christmas cookie and would have made a construction paper gingerbread man and a Letter to Santa, but the former tables were full and the latter project was way too young for them.
 Congrats on your great attendance kids!

Counting On

We're watching the new Duggar show. We've missed them. #JillAndJessa


You either love Will Ferrell or you hate him. If you hate him, you're an awful human being.

Good Job Girls!

On Saturday morning Junie's Girl Scout troop spent time at the Rescue Mission helping prepare Christmas gifts for homeless families. Afterwards the troop retired to the leader's house to decorate gingerbread cookies and dine on pizza. Proud of you kid!

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Con Law 2 Final

Con Law 2 Final.I finished the final in a little over an hour. I had 90 minutes left but after four long decades of this a) I know I'm a decently smart guy, and b) that any third read through will just have me doubting everything I've done. So, one down and two take home finals to go.

Monday, December 7, 2015

A Sweet Memory

Lisa just reminded me of a life event referenced in the show. When it came time for YaYa to get rid of her didi's (pacifiers) we wrapped them up in a Christmas package and Gracie gave them to the Santa at Mayfair so he could pass them on to babies that needed them


The Brad Pitt WWII flick. I enjoyed it a lot. I'm not saying it was realistic, or that the characters were good people, just that I liked the film. 

Sunday, December 6, 2015


I did YaYa's nails - Lulu

More Nightmares

My sleep was riddled with nightmares and I woke up angry about something I no longer even remember. Gotta shake it off.

Winter by Marissa Meyer

Friday LuLu begged me to go buy her this book at Target. 

Saturday she texted me and said she was bored. Read your book, I wrote back. 

Her response: "I finished that last night😕 smh."

Friday, December 4, 2015

A Theory

I've got a theory about why sports are so popular. Yes, following a team creates a regional identity, a sense of community loyalty, and gives you something to talk about over the water cooler. But: there's also an ingrained anti-intellectualism in our culture, and sports -with its detailed stats, its research, its strategy - gives us a chance to dive into academia without sacrificing that machismo. 

Thursday, December 3, 2015

The Oscar Pitorious Case

Two things the all-knowing Internet comment section fails to notice about the Oscar Pitorious case: 
1. Under their law, killing an intruder in your home, even in clear self defense, is a crime 
2. An appeals court convicted him of a higher offense than what the trial court chose. What kind of justice system can take someone that's been duly convicted, toss out the verdict, and immediately convict him of another crime without trial? #ThankfulToLiveHere

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Lie to them about meaningless things and they'll doubt the truth about the important ones.

Bah. None of our kids believed beyond three or four because when they asked, we told them "Of course we're Santa." Lie to them about meaningless things and they'll doubt the truth about the important ones.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

My Thoughts - Abortion

Not looking for an abortion debate here, but . . . arguing that because a pro-lifer isn't willing to adopt or pay for every unwanted child her argument is hypocritical and moot is just plain dumb. I don't want to assume your bills either, but that doesn't remove my right, and my obligation, to object to a plan to eliminate you.

False Memory by Dan Krokos

A book Smiley read recently. He's since moved on to the Harry Potter series (now on #3)

Friday, November 27, 2015

Rocky IV

In preparation for taking Parker to see the new Rocky movie tomorrow I had to introduce him to the series. IMO, IV is the worst of the bunch, a comic book monstrosity, BUT it has all the core characters and is the most kid friendly entry. Smiley liked it!

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Makin' Friends

Last night YaYa and I watched the episode of Doctor Who where Clara finally bit the dust. We had a great time. Alas, I then refused to watch Misery - it's a great film, but it . . . discomforts me - and twelve hours later she still isn't talking to me. Such is parenthood.

YaYa: This whole house is awful.

Me: Why?

YaYa: Because you're in it.
