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Sunday, March 6, 2016

An OJ Simpson special on Dateline. Having just finished one book on the case and 300 pages deep in another, I can say with certainty they are getting details wrong. They're also painting Lange as great detective, when in fact the DA's office called some of his work a "fiasco". The media will *always* mold a story around the people that agree to talk to them.

Nancy Reagan

 Rip Nancy Reagan died at 94 - Grandma Jeanne

I just used Q's signature "Wellllll . . ." for the first time and the timing was perfect, the comic effect devastating

Saturday, March 5, 2016



 So Mark Hamill, in a sign of absolute PC stupidity, disregards Luke's attraction to Leia, and later his wife in the Expanded Universe, and declares Skywalker's sexuality open to interpretation. Huh. Well, the books are no longer canon, but that still leaves his lust for Leia. Somehow I doubt SW wants their first gay hero to be a guy who had an unhealthy attraction to his twin sister


 I'm converting our wedding tape from VHS to digital. Junie is sitting at the kitchen table watching the laptop record it.

"THERE'S MOMMA!," she just screamed. "She looks beautiful, especially in her veil. Dad, it woulda been cool if you taped it when you proposed. Mom said you asked her to make you the happiest man alive. Were you?"
"Yup," I said. "I've got no regrets. I dig your Ma."

 I've noticed that some FB pages are the exact opposite of the person's life and personality. Rest assured, mine is a pretty accurate description of my life, minus the stuff that should stay private even if you're a Kardashian. Oh, and my potty mouth. That I save for church.


 I am in dire (but temporary) need of a converter tape for camcorder tapes - you know, the kind of converter box that looks like a vhs tape.

The Run of HIs Life by Jeffrey Toobin

 I finished this tonight. It's far less even-handed than the TV series based on it, and perhaps deservedly so given the evidence. Toobin has had several ethics problems in his life and career, so I took some of his declarations with a grain of salt. Time has also eroded some of his conclusions (Kris Jenner, then unknown, is painted as a weak and victimized woman). Still a thorough and entertaining book

Friday, March 4, 2016

At the Gym

On the treadmills with LuLu

The OJ Simpson Trial

I checked out nine (yes, nine) books from the law library about the OJ Simpson trial. I've dismissed Darden's off the bat, as he writes like a petulant loser, referring to the defense lawyers by mocking nicknames and trying his best to excuse his sorry performance. Bugliosi's is good, if a tad racially dated ("a cool Black cat " is his description of one African-American). Toobin's, on which the current TV show is based, is very readable but also very biased against Simpson, and certainly not objective reporting.

Pat Conroy

RIP author Pat Conroy

Thursday, March 3, 2016

1964 Redux

So Romney has cast himself as Nelson Rockerfeller to Trump's Barry Goldwater. It's 1964 all over again.

Wedding Bells

A few weeks ago the clerk at our local gas station traveled to Pakistan to marry - and be introduced to - his bride. As we've talked to him him daily for years, #TeamSlap bought the couple a greeting card for the wedding. 

"No offense, but it's awfully hard to find a card for an arranged wedding. It's not exactly a big seller at Walgreens," I told his friend.

Times Change

With some of my fantasy football winnings I bought software to convert VHS tapes to digital files. It required a VCR, but all of ours in storage were kaput. I put one of them by the back door. 

Me: "Junie! Throw out the VCR,  I told you to take that out to the garbage an hour ago."

Junie: "I don't know what you mean."

Me: "You heard me little girl. You know *exactly* what I mean."

Junie: "No, I don't! What's a VCR?!"


Where'd she get that mouth?

LuLu:  Do you NEED something?

Me: Yeah, a respectful daughter.

Lulu: Huh. Shouldn't have stopped having kids then. Maybe you would have got one.



Tuesday, March 1, 2016

A Busy, Busy Day

I spent the afternoon in back to back speech IEP's for Smiley and Junie Got a little contentious during one of them, but we're sick of their progress being sugarcoated. I think the plan that resulted will help. (don't ask for details, if I was going to share I would have  put it here).

 Now grade school conferences, followed by YaYa's high school conferences, dance class, Marquette, work . . . at least I didn't have to shovel though LOL 


Elementary conference results: Junie "never has a bad day" and is always cheerful, and tests at near a sixth grade level in reading. Smiley is a strong writer who tests above the 90th percentile in math. LuLu, practicing to be a teenager, refused to answer my questions about how she did, and I'll have to get the answers from Lisa later. But she did well enough for Lisa to reward her with a hardcover at the Book Fair afterwards, so she must have done very well indeed

High school conference results: with four weeks left in the term, YaYa is riding five A's and a B, the latter being in her major (theater), which the instructor wrote off as being because she is bored with the introductory curriculum. Three classes - physics, English, and History - want her in AP next year. The history teacher assigns her extra work "to keep her interested" and the English teacher grades her papers "to a higher standard" and says she's already grooming GC for senior level coursework. Four of the six reported she is a joy to have in their class. As YaYanormally refuses to so much as breathe a word of what she does at school (welcome to life with a teenager), I was floored. Great job!

RE: the conference results. I've been telling you for twenty years, I bred for looks and brains. Gotta have 'em both. LOL

My hip hurts from the (PT approved) workout at the gym. Not bad enough to gimp me, but bad enough so I have a legit excuse not to shovel this mess. I don't know what it's like elsewhere in Milwaukee, but there's a dang blizzard out my front window. Sometimes this block is meteorologically freaky; for all I know it's dry as a bone two blocks over.


 Does anyone have a working VCR they can loan me? I have software to convert our old home movies to DVD but each of the three VCR's we had laying around are kaput and now in the trash.

 The kids suckered me into getting Subway for dinner because our schedule is so hectic. The bill . . .

"I coulda taken you out for steak for this price," I said, exaggerating a bit.
"Who cares? Subway is better than a steak dinner any day," LuLu responded.
Which is why our society doesn't allow minors to vote.

Super Tuesday 2016

Barring a miracle, it's Trump vs Clinton in November. The GOP effort to stop Trump was too little, too late, and failed to address the anger the "common man" felt towards both Washington and the pc police. Sanders tried to ride that burst of anger from the opposite side of the track, but it looks like Democrats want more than just free stuff and empty promises in exchange for their vote. Huh. Whodathunk it?

I'm torn. Support Trump - and I don't buy *all* the vitriol lobbied against him - or vote my conscience and hope this is another Goldwater debacle that rejuvenates the party. Mein Gott, what an election year.

Super Tuesday results (so far):