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Monday, May 16, 2016

On the patio, enjoying the sun and eating lunch with Lisa
Just got back from what was (to me) a 40 min workout that left me short of breath and covered in sweat. Smiley on the other hand, did more and was neither sweaty nor remotely bothered. Which makes me both annoyed at him, and proud - we must be doing something right as parents.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

An Ode to Junie

I'm very happy with Junie. She's the one who asked to go to a Brewers game, and she kept her interest even after everyone else in Team Slap dropped out. I really feared that halfway through she'd lose interest, get squirmy, complain she was bored, and we'd go home and I'd eat the cost. But she kept her focus the whole time, asked insightful questions, didn't complain, and made a daughter/Daddy day delightful. In a few years she'll treat me as an adversary, as they all seem to do at or near twelve, but today I felt as loved as any Daddy in the world. Thanks LK!

Running the Bases

After the game we waited in a line that literally stretched around the ballpark, but in the end Lauren got to run the bases, and even saw two of her teachers!
For those careful observers, part of my belly appeared on the jumbotron during Roll Out The Barrel. #LuckyYou

Lucroy homers too!

Lucroy homers and Junie screams "Take a picture of the fireworks!" #LikeFatherLikeDaughter


Carter homers and Junie lights up!

Brewers vs San Diego Padres - and me and LK are there!

Another Fire!

Horrible news: Tonight, just two months after my parents were displaced by fire, Lisa's Mom and Stepdad had a fire in their apartment building that led to smoke and water damage in their own apartment. They weren't hurt, thank God, but at the moment their place is unlivable.

Saturday, May 14, 2016

YaYa and Angelcakes

There are five finalists left in the running for Milwaukee's unofficial new flag. I'm so disappointed. They all look like they belong flying atop a tank during the fall of Saigon. Pathetic #UtterFail
Cube steak, mushrooms and onions, fries, and two smoke alarms later, dinner is served.
@ the Asian International Market on National Ave with Yaya

Junie and Me

JUunie's incessant mantra: "Daddy/Mommy, I have a question . . ." It can get on your nerves, but I'll miss it when she outgrows the phrase.

Kids and Cats

Friday, May 13, 2016

Am I drinking with Lisa? In the early evening? Why yes. Yes, I am.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Keep This in Mind

When you're struggling and doubting yourself, just remember that Ty Cobb - he of 4189 hits, three .400 seasons, and a lifetime average of .366 - batted all of .240 in his first season in the bigs. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.
My 75 year old neighbor across the alley cut my lawn for me, which certainly doesn't reflect on my manhood. No, not at all.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Stuffed shells...Delicious dinner only Dan and I will eat. #what'snew nomnomnom - Lisa

SO true. Phone calls should be reserved for business, text for everything else. And voicemail is an abomination. Why do you bother? I'll never hear it! Lol


Anyone know what kind of mushrooms these are?

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

My last final exam of spring is complete. Six questions, three hour time limit. I didn't fail, and that's all you'll ever get out of me. There was a moment of panic when I tried to upload the exam answers and got repeated errors. I had to walk my laptop to IT to complete the process, but it got done. Now I have two weeks of break before summer classes begin.