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Tuesday, July 26, 2016


There are some health issues with a relative that are pressing heavily on our days, but it isn't my place to talk about them without permission. So my feed will be politics and movies and family, but I ask that you include this relative and his wife in your prayers.

Star Trek Beyond

I saw this with LuLu this afternoon. She liked it a lot, and as her first intro to ST I'm pleased as punch about that. It was kinda ruined by some obnoxious fans in the back who literally screamed, laughed, and cheered at everything; either they were super geeky fans or had never witnessed moving pictures before. I'm convinced if the screen had shown waves on the ocean they'd have legit panicked and asked for a life preserver. As for the flick; not the best ST, but scads above your typical SW movie.

You're Missing Something There Bud

The new park sign (not my photo). It's "Humboldt", with a "D." Government in action folks - and yet you want them in charge of your health care, your retirement, and your personal safety? Good luck with that.

Sunday, July 24, 2016


I forget these intelligent words too often:

  "Never ask for what ought to be offered"

But I'm working on it....

- Lisa

The Makeup Question

Lu solicited my advice on these products when I took her to the store, and the best advice I gave her was "how the F should I know?" None-the-less she's happy with what she chose, but girl, it's time to do those nails.

Um the bug spray and camp made the nail polish wet and sticky again and they practically slid off my nails. So sorry if I haven't had the time to do my nails in the 2 day of free time I've had - LuLu

Jaws by Peter Benchley

Any snooty person that says to you a movie is never as good as the book it's based on needs to explain away Jaws. The book is awful, bitter and clumsy, with completely unlikeable characters. The film - well, you know the film. Point: Hollywood.

Saturday, July 23, 2016


My niece/ Goddaughter/ cousin to my kids was in town and guess when I found out? When they needed to find her a ride to the airport. Note to young couples, don't expect your in laws to change, they never do.  - Lisa

Pokemon Go!

The Pokémon's encouraged the oldest to take the youngest by bike to swim class. I don't care what anyone says, this game is awesome! Love my bookends! Thx Pokemon & YaYa

Friday, July 22, 2016


I used to care so strongly about so many people's opinions, but they mean nothing now. Just got to focus on the present and keep going strong 🌞 yaya

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Steven Universe

I'm just saying, I've seen porn with less lesbian tension.

Achille's Injury

Another chapter....Sunday went swimming and on the way to my car I turned my foot wrong and rupture torn my Achilles surgery is now on the calendar. Carol H thank you for the book. Smiley thanks for hanging out with me and grandpa this week. Lisa and Dan, Maureen F for your help  - Grandma J

Tuesday, July 19, 2016


We're watching 20/20 and the reporter said this painting was so good she thought it was a photograph (!!!). . . Just so you know, these are the same stunning intellects that decide what to tell you about the world and who to vote for in November.

Weight Gain

I gained weight this week, and no excuses this time. Lots of food, lots of drinking at the party, lots of leftover alcohol that had to be drunk to clear room in the fridge. Empty calories galore. And my damn bike chain broke so my activity was down too. $%@#

Web of Spiderman #1

I owned this - still do I think, but sans cover now and beat to hell - and I remember it was a pretty good story, with the church bells and all.

Monday, July 18, 2016

I wuz fooled!

I asked this woman's permission to photograph her shirt, thinking she was a NKOTB fan - turns out it's a play on words and actually the name of her kickball team! Either way, a great t-shirt lol

I Did As Requested

Junie: Please please please don't put on baseball Dad.

Me: ok

Junie:  Thank you.

Me:  (turns on boxing)

Junie: Grrrrr

Sunday, July 17, 2016

During the hour I was at the grocery store, Smiley texted me 54 times. Nothing important, just chit chat about a game called Upscale. :)

Enough with the hate

BLM, whatever the ideal they sought to pursue, has become a breeding ground for hate and violence. The White House has preached divisive rhetoric on race for eight years. The combination of the two has led to this. #NoMoreExcuses #Unity

YaYa takes her Grandpa to the Zoo

YaYa took her Grandpa to the zoo today all by herself for some one on one time.

Saturday, July 16, 2016

The Scavenger Hunt

YaYa mentioned to us that there was a scavenger hunt at American Science and Surplus today, with the grand prize being family passes to the public museum! My constant companion Junie rolled out with me, but the hunt was much harder than expected; 35 questions that took us 90 minutes, with LK spotting many clues. I don't know how many people besides us won, but it we wasn't many, because they were surprised we answered them all. A great win for #TeamSlap!


Grades were posted for the first class of the summer session. I got an A-. I'm pleased. Quoting Junie: "I'm glad you're happy . . . with your minus."

Princess Camp

Yesterday, after picking up GC, I drove out to see the finale of Junie's Princess Camp - the last year any of my girls are young enough to attend. LuLu had worked all week as a volunteer, going out there twice a day, and you'll see her in the pictures too. The performance was very cute, but the best part was during the play, when Junie made the princess literally cry and the understudy was forced on LOL

Friday, July 15, 2016

YaYa is Back from her canoe trip!

My YaYa is back from her ten day canoe trip through Minnesota and Canada!


I was never really popular. In high school I was voted "Guy we didn't realize goes to our school."

Thursday, July 14, 2016


Oddest law school conversation to date: classmate comes in to the restroom and uses a urinal two over from mine, observing proper etiquette. As I'm washing my hands, he says hello while still at the urinal.

"Hey. I'd have struck up a conversation, but, you know," I said.

"I understand completely. A little awkward talking to me with my d**k in my hands."

Alrighty then.

Speaking of restrooms, I just left a retail store (far west of Hwy 100) and a store employee took a dump, then walked right out of the restroom without washing his hands. I reported him to the manager and, kudos to the store, he actually called security to get the employee off the sales floor.