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Saturday, December 24, 2016


 Congratulations to to my sister LuLu for getting into Milwaukee High School of the Arts! - YaYa

Friday, December 23, 2016

Very True

Dean Martin was better looking than, and had a superior voice to, Frank Sinatra. Discuss.

My Thoughts

I'm against legally mandated compensation for the wrongfully imprisoned. If there is evidence of the system suppressing or manufacturing evidence then a lawsuit will bring them their reward. But if they are arrested, tried, and convicted in what was an honest and fair effort to enact justice, what (legal) wrong was done to them? None at all.

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Christmas Music

From Thanksgiving on I only listen to Christmas music on the radio, but I've grown dissatisfied with 95.7 and their repetitious secular classics. So I've switched to 93.3. Many of the same tunes, of course, but a fair number of classic carols too.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016


This atrociously mistitled film is a great spy thriller with a sci-fi twist. Kevin Costner was excellent and I highly recommend it.


I made szarlotka (Polish apple cake) from scratch tonight. It didn't turn out as pretty as the picture from the recipe I've posted here, but it was darn tasty.

Green Room

A touring band becomes locked in a Neo-Nazi club after witnessing a crime. Highly recommended.

Pirate Night!

Pirate Night on day three.

Monday, December 19, 2016

The Nutcracker and Dinner at the Water Street Brewery

Yesterday LuLu and her pointe class went to lunch at the Water Street Brewery (they had reservations at Bucca, but a pipe burst there) then had a backstage tour at The Milwaukee Ballet before watching the Nutcracker. What a great opportunity!

Sunday, December 18, 2016


On day four Lisa took Smiley and Junie to see this on the ship. Junie loved it, Smiley thought they introduced too many characters and lost focus.