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Sunday, January 1, 2017

Polar Bear Plunge - New Years Day 2017

For a few years now Lulu and I have talked about doing the Polar Bear Plunge, a New Years day tradition where Milwaukeeans dash into the ice cold waters of Lake Michigan at the stroke of noon. Talked about it, but never even tried to go. It's been so many years of "maybe next year" that she snarkily referred to *not* going as our actual tradition.

Well, enough of that. Today, we did it!

The kids were scattered between different NY Eve locations, so we scooped up Lu and our niece Stacey from my parent's place, then Junie from a friend's house, and headed down to the lake.

Alas, we misjudged the size of the crowd. I expected a few hundred people and difficulty parking. What we got were thousands of people (probably only a couple hundred who went in the water) and NO parking. I won't lie. I handled this stress poorly, and squabbled with Lisa. Eventually she just dropped us off and we had to hike the rest of the way.

Now, as January 1st goes in Wisconsin, this was a beauty. The sun was out, the temperature was about forty degrees F (by my reckoning) and the water a balmy 35 degrees F. What more could you ask for?

(the event did have medical personnel in the water in case someone went into shock)

Without Lisa, our plans for a  mobile changing station were kaput, so we threw our stuff in the sand and, when the horn sounded, waded in.

It wasn't that bad. Oh, it was painful, sure, a bit like a thousand knives thrusting into your skin, but most of THAT didn't occur in the water, but once you returned to dry land. THEN the pain hit, especially in your feet. But with the air conditions as mild as they were, the pain was short-lived and we dried off quickly.

So, naturally, we went in for a second round.

None of us were in the water as long the second time, nor were we as deep. But it was a lot more pleasant, probably because we knew what to expect.

Here's a video of me in the surf. 

Afterwards, the same quick pain, the same quick relief. But as we were getting dressed a local newsreporter from WTMJ showed up to do a report, and Junie asked to take a picture with him.

I didn't talk to him on-air, but we did chat for awhile. I told him only a few weeks ago we'd been in the Bahamas complaining about the water temperature there, and here we were jumping into a frozen lake!

It was a good time, and I'm glad we did it. It's something LuLu and I can scratch off our bucket lists. And who knows, we may even do it again!

New Years Eve 2016

This year, for what may honestly be the first time this century, Lisa and I headed out alone for New Years Eve. We signed up to do another painting at Splash Studio to ring in 2017. 

Look how purty we are!

The project started out with a yellow disc.

Then, a white ring around the disc. 

Then teal around that, and a bunch of blending. 

Starting at the corners, you being to fill in the background with dark blue arcs. 

Being veterans, Lisa knew to paint the sides of the frame. 

You draw in the moon. 

And shade it properly. 

The trees .  . . oh, don't get me started. I found the trees a pain in the butt. LOL

2017 was nearing . . . 

Once we added snowflakes to the painting, it was done. 

We each signed our respective halves. 

Then midnight came, and we kissed, had champagne, and danced before heading home. 

Happy New Year Everyone!

Saturday, December 31, 2016


This was the first time I've seen the 1968 classic, and tbh I wouldn't rank it as highly as its reputation demands. It's a realistic police procedural, for sure, but that works against it, as you spend a fifth of the time wondering why everyone did everything so half-a**ed in '68- and I for one didn't need to spend a full thirty seconds watching an antique fax machine churn out a single document. "The Chase" though - my, oh my, "the chase" lives up to its billing.

Thursday, December 29, 2016

My Apologies

A lot of people, myself included, have posted about how Debbie Reynolds died of a broken heart, unable to live without her daughter. Putting aside the fact that she was 84 and the stress of the week, not a "broken heart," killed her, I need to apologize to her son. 

He lost his sister and his Mom on back to back days.and in reply the internet basically says he was so irrelevant his life wasn't worth squat to his Mom. 

Well done interwebs, we done screwed up again.

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Debbie Reynolds

Shocking news; she must really have loved her daughter. Carrie's death broke her heart. RIP

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

My Thoughts - Profanity

I don't mind obscenity and vulgarity, but I won't tolerate profanity. If that's confusing, put it this way: "F you" and "Oh s--t" are cool with me, taking the name of the Lord in vain, or even just saying "OMG," [the full version, not the abbreviation] is not.

Saturday, December 24, 2016


 Congratulations to to my sister LuLu for getting into Milwaukee High School of the Arts! - YaYa

Friday, December 23, 2016

Very True

Dean Martin was better looking than, and had a superior voice to, Frank Sinatra. Discuss.

My Thoughts

I'm against legally mandated compensation for the wrongfully imprisoned. If there is evidence of the system suppressing or manufacturing evidence then a lawsuit will bring them their reward. But if they are arrested, tried, and convicted in what was an honest and fair effort to enact justice, what (legal) wrong was done to them? None at all.

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Christmas Music

From Thanksgiving on I only listen to Christmas music on the radio, but I've grown dissatisfied with 95.7 and their repetitious secular classics. So I've switched to 93.3. Many of the same tunes, of course, but a fair number of classic carols too.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016


This atrociously mistitled film is a great spy thriller with a sci-fi twist. Kevin Costner was excellent and I highly recommend it.


I made szarlotka (Polish apple cake) from scratch tonight. It didn't turn out as pretty as the picture from the recipe I've posted here, but it was darn tasty.

Green Room

A touring band becomes locked in a Neo-Nazi club after witnessing a crime. Highly recommended.

Pirate Night!

Pirate Night on day three.

Monday, December 19, 2016

The Nutcracker and Dinner at the Water Street Brewery

Yesterday LuLu and her pointe class went to lunch at the Water Street Brewery (they had reservations at Bucca, but a pipe burst there) then had a backstage tour at The Milwaukee Ballet before watching the Nutcracker. What a great opportunity!

Sunday, December 18, 2016


On day four Lisa took Smiley and Junie to see this on the ship. Junie loved it, Smiley thought they introduced too many characters and lost focus.

Some Vacation Pics on the Disney Dream

Disney Dream 12/12-12/16

Good Taste

In the last week Junie has had duck confit, leg of lamb, and mussels; Smiley had duck breast, crème brule and sushi; YaYa had one of my escargot; and I had lamb shank (I haven't had lamb in maybe thirty years). I'm glad the kids taste buds don't start and end with chicken nuggets.