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Monday, May 8, 2017

I just finished a ten question, three and a half hour tax exam. I had never, in my life, dreaded a test more, but it wasn't quite as horrible as I feared. The curve may be helped by the fact that it was the last class for many graduates, and no less than four told me they did just enough to pass and no more. As for my own grade, I'll take what I get, as long as I pass. C's get degrees too.

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Some Post-Recital Pics

Some post recital pics (I went to the first matinee, Lisa went to the evening show). That's LK's friend Aly in one pic; in another, OJ holds a kid from a babysitting job she just landed at the show, and lastly I treated both girls to dinner at Subway.
I just turned on the tv and by chance NASCAR was on from Talledega. A driver is trapped (but ok) in his overturned car. The 16 car! accident footage is wicked. "Like Matchbox cars in a dryer!"


Lisa told Junie to throw out this Barbie we found after a winter buried below the trampoline. "No, I think she's pretty. She's Reality Barbie" LK said. "Yeah, if your reality is meth," said Lisa.

Saturday, May 6, 2017


Intermission of the dance recital - at Pius XI High School

Dance Time!

In front of my old TAC (homeroom) as I wait for the girl's dance recital to start. - @ Pius XI High School

My Thoughts

Remember: When the Mainstream Media says "Here's what you need to know about xyz" what they mean is "Here's what we need you to believe about xyz".

Is this 1929 all over again?

Um, this is OUR bank. Gulp From the Journal Sentinel: 

 BREAKING: Guaranty Bank, unable to ever recover from devastating loan losses stemming from the housing and foreclosure crisis, has failed and was shut down by regulators.

Friday, May 5, 2017

YaYa's 2017 Prom!

In 2014 the Bradley Foundation compiled what's being described as a "hit list" against liberal organizations they refused to fund. 

 Good for them. Liberal foundations certainly aren't funding conservative causes. Why expect a double standard?