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Wednesday, May 24, 2017

School Bus Accident

YaYa's school bus was hit by a car on the way home. She's OK. Word is the car hit the bus then still had enough speed to hit another car, then careen into an empty grass lot. That's the second bus accident she's been in, the first happening years ago during her time in STAA.
Hubby made breakfast for the whole family, i guess I'll keep him. ❤ - Lisa

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Knock it off

I don't condone or enjoy the defacement of private property. They bought it, leave it the f alone.

The Sacred Heart of Jesus Statute

Whoohoo! After an intense Ebay auction I'm now the proud owner of this chalkware! Sure, it's a waste of money better spent elsewhere. But my Grandma owned one just like this and kept it in her bedroom, and doggone it, I wanted it.
The Philippines have declared martial law on the southern island of Mindanao after a wave of attacks by Islamic terror groups, backed by ISIS, have created a state of rebellion.
My Fitbit has not synced properly since April 15, and Fitbit has "exhausted all troubleshooting options." They will, however, offer me a lovely 25% discount on a replacement device. Yeah, no thanks.

Roger Moore

RIP Roger Moore, aka James Bond, age 89.
Children are dead in Manchester. Please, let us not regurgitate the same tired routine: we will light candles, we will offer prayers, we will change our FB profile picture, we will say this loser doesn't stand for everyone that shares his beliefs, we will vow to be strong . . . and we will forget, and it will repeat.

Monday, May 22, 2017