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Saturday, June 3, 2017

The Twin Dilemma

Unbelievably, despite being a fan for ~35 years, this is the first time I've ever seen a 6th Doctor episode. It was not available to me at the time, and I've ignored the brief era on DVD. I regret it. Despite the bad press about this Doctor I really liked Baker's performance, and the script was exceptionally strong.

Friday, June 2, 2017

A Face Paint Review

Today was the school festival, and both Junie and Smiley returned home disgusted and angry with the face painter. Not only did she use standard paint, the quality of work was poor. Both loudly identified their Mom as the only face painter of any value, and demanded she work the festival next year.

The Consistent, Neutral Media

My Thoughts

What's the meaning of life? Simple: Eat. Survive. Reproduce. Repeat.

No sleep

I have yet to sleep, due in large part to the hip. It's not at its worst, it's just . . .ever present today.

Thursday, June 1, 2017


WTF - Huma, Clinton's aide, has allegedly called off her divorce to admitted pervert and pedo Anthony Weiner, and pulled their house off the market. I hope this is fake news, but if true I'm glad she's nowhere near the White House.
I ran errands on our bikes with the kids. If the destination is less than a half mile away, bike or walk. That's how you "save" a planet and get in shape(ish). Helpful hint: if you have a bum hip, get on/off the bike by swinging the *healthy* one. That minimizes the tears later.

The Paris Accords

I've yet to see anyone who voted for Trump complain about the US pulling out of the Paris Accords. So it fulfills a campaign promise, bolstering his base, angers a bunch of people who would never vote for him anyway, and negates yet another leftover from the Obama regime. Hard to see where this is politically a bad move.

Kudos to Amazon

Kudos to Amazon. At noon, a mere five hours after being informed that my package was delayed and wouldn't arrive until 8pm Friday, it showed up at my door.

The Greatest Show in the Galaxy

A Seventh Doctor episode, TGSITG is a mixed bag. It's fun, there's a decent script, and the Doctor and Ace are at the top of their game. But it's a little heavy on the Who related symbolism - the fanboy, the crotchety explorer and his young companion, etc - and the location budget seems to have been nil. Still, it's a thumbs up from me.