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Tuesday, June 13, 2017

The Future of Golden State

Revelations of the Daleks

Again, needless violence,  which really does seem to be the hallmark of the 6th Doctor's era. I see the value in not pretending people don't get hurt during these adventures, but is Who the place for realism? And violence is probably an ill-chosen word in the post. It's not violence so much as. . . I wouldn't say a sexual enjoyment of pain, but a misplaced joy all the same. There is too much glee at the recreation of suffering.

I'm told the episode was a reaction to hysteria about violence on TV at the time.  I'm not analyzing it in contemporary political context because,  frankly,  I'm unaware of all but the broad strokes of UK history of the '80's.  But having an enraged,  spurned woman stab her oblivious boss *and move the plot not a cm* seems an odd sort of way to make a point that violence wasn't glorified on the telly.

 The main story was straightforward and interesting,  but was bogged down by a slew of subplots. I loved the guest stars, but as is my norm,  I could have skipped the Daleks.


Lisa fixed the statue!

Sunday, June 11, 2017


Why dafuq would you COUNTERprotest a march against the violent and oppressive sharia law???

Vengenge on Varos

I objectively recognize this as a strong,  well done episode of Doctor Who. Subjectively I'm not a fan.  Using  televised violence within a story as an allegory for our viewing choices was a tired concept even in 1985.  Here it is also hypocritical, as the episode was riddled with torture and death for the sake of ratings (since when does the Doctor joke about two men boiling in acid?). Also,  Jason Connery (Sean's son) was awful,  although the Governor was great.

Congrats LuLu!

As you may have heard LuLu graduated grade school and is moving on to high school in the fall.  I intend to honor her with a blog post tonight,  on my first day off since the big day,  largely because her friends visit the site.  In the meantime tho,  please join me in congratulating my Livvie Lu on her big milestone!

My New Deck

Done! Two days of hard work in 90 degree weather - the thermometer in my backyard reached past 110 at noon - and our deck is complete! It was a team effort, but major thanks go to my friend Eric. We agree on almost nothing in the world but we've been friends since '93, and we have an annoying habit of helping each out when the help is needed most (though I'll admit his skillset is more in demand). Thanks bruh!

Friday, June 9, 2017

The Last Walk to School Together For the Younger Trio

With LuLu graduating the night before, but going to school the next day for a class trip, a milestone: 

the last day this trio of Team Slap would ever walk together to school.