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Friday, June 16, 2017

I'm typing this from the shaded comfort of my deck. 🙂

Thursday, June 15, 2017

The Democrats won the Congressional Softball Game but handed the trophy over to the GOP so it could be put in Rep. Steve Scalise's office. Very cool of them.

The Terror Attack on the Congressional Softball Game

FBI Special Agent in Charge Tim Slater: "Too early to say" whether shooting was an act of terrorism: Bull. No. It was terrorism. Not all terrorism is inspired by religon. In this case, it is the terror of the Left. And it makes me sick to watch all these TV anchors report on the very hate they inspire. 

Insane to see who was there, and what leadership this nation might have lost. Kudos to the police for putting him down.

Make of this What You Will

At a fast food place last week I paid $3.58 in cash, the exact amount of the purchase. The cashier put it in the drawer, then counted out the same amount, returned it to me with a receipt, and went on her way. I returned it. A few days later Lisa paid with a twenty and was given close to $25 in change. Take what you want from this, given your preconceived political and social biases.

Old Man Grump

I detest being sprayed with water or hit with water balloons. Keep that malarkey to your fool self.

Bible - Progress

Not that anyone is paying close attention,  but I've moved on to the book of Ezra.

Mayweather v McGregor

Sure, it's crazy - the equivalent of the Patriots playing the best arena football team - but it's still boxing. And anytime you're in the ring one punch can change your night. I'll watch (hopefully). #TBE
An otherwise sane  FB friend (blocked from viewing this post, a first for me ) believes the shooting at the GOP softball practice was a false flag designed by Trump to suppress the media, that the paid potential assassin was murdered like Oswald, and that the equivalent of martial law will follow.  Sigh.  Hate really is a blindfold,  isn't it?

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Flag Day

I remember and honor this holiday every year!


An otherwise sane  FB friend (blocked from viewing this post, a first for me ) believes the shooting at the GOP baseball practice was a false flag designed by Trump to suppress the media, that the paid potential assassin was murdered like Oswald, and that the equivalent of martial law will follow.  Sigh.  Hate really is a blindfold,  isn't it?