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Saturday, December 9, 2017

Drumline Competition

 With Lisa and YaYa, watching PD perform at the city drumline competition at MHSA. We were asked to lead the way here, but, uh, as Lisa said about her driving:

Wanna lead the caravan?.... "sure, i drive there almost everyday, have two kids at the school" scene.... I take a wrong turn smh

Thursday, December 7, 2017


I am not worried at all about the reaction of the Palestinians to the recognition of Jerusalem.  Islam, the media assures us,  is the Religion of Peace.  Certainly those who practice it will take this moment to exhibit that fact to the world.

3 Years Gone

I didn't say anything because Lisa was having a hard enough day as it was,  but yesterday marked the 3rd anniversary of her Dad's passing.  RIP Dennis.  You are missed.

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

 Thanks Dan for coming through for the kids when I couldn't. I appreciate you. - Lisa

A Sad Anniversary for my Dad

Today's the anniversary of the death of both of my Dad's Grandpa's,  and his Mother (each in different years.) As a result he gets awfully anxious about his own health around this time. I offered to take him to lunch (he refused) but I called and checked up on him all the same.

Monday, December 4, 2017

A Big Night! (Katy Perry)

Guess where Lisa and Junie are tonight? 

The Autopsy of Jane Doe

 Highly touted. Highly overrated. A waste of our time.

Regarding John Hockenberry

NPR's John Hockenberry is accused of sexual harassment. Two issues: one, he's paralyzed from the waist down so there is no physical threat that can be associated with the charges. Not that that would excuse boorish behavior  Second, from the sample that was read on the radio, the accusation stems from benign emails he sent asking a woman out on a date. Unless there's more, how is this charge be taken seriously?

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Stunning News from NBC

NBC has fired longtime Today show host Matt Lauer for inappropriate workplace behavior.  Wow.

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Why Cokie?

Cokie Roberts, longtime ABC reporter, said it was well known among female reporters that it was dangerous for a woman to get in an elevator alone with some members of Congress (alluding to Conyers and Franken, if her comment related to the conversation.) Uh. . . You are REPORTERS. Why did you choose to suppress that story??

Monday, November 27, 2017


By their own admission,  our mortgage company mistakenly deleted records of our homeowner's insurance coverage,  resulting in a pissy little letter that they have since apologized for sending.  None-the-less I am spending part of my morning having to obtain proof of my policy so they can correct their own mistake.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Happy Death Day

I just watched this with Lisa . Groundhog Day but with murder. This was a hoot - fun, chill, and a classic in the making. See it!!

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Justice League

A very good movie,  IMO, and bordering on great when it wasn't involved in cosmic fisticuffs.  Affleck is the perfect Batman,  like it or not,  and thank Poseidon we finally have an Aquaman that doesn't look and act like he enjoys the spandex a little too much.  Spoilers prevent me from saying more,  but it looks like Zach Snyder finally got it right.

Monday, November 13, 2017

A Dream

Last night I dreamt that we took possession of my paternal grandparents' home, fully furnished. When Lisa and I toured it it was huge, a product of the dream, but the whole night I was keeping quiet about the fact that the next day was a mandatory bar exam (which I went to on a few hours sleep). 

Then I was at an outdoor lumber yard and involved in something shady, and spent part of the dream in a police interview. Don't worry, I ain't no 🐀. 

Then back to a dinner party at our "new" house, where I confronted my Dad's friend Jim, absent forty years, about his long silence. In the dream he claimed to be the mayor of Mequon and we discussed a predicted demise of Toys R Us.

Friday, November 10, 2017

WTH Zuck!

Facebook put an anti-Semitic sponsored ad in my feed (alleging Jews tricked us into WWI.) Get your damn act together Zuck.

I Guess It's Snowing

Yes, Facebook friends, it is, in fact snowing. Thank you for documenting it ad nauseum.


Courtney Cox and David Arquette,  his producers at the time,  admit to dealing with a non-consensual masturbation incident with Louis C. K.  *in 2005.*  Both had far more clout than he did,  so tell me this: Why did they join the teeming masses of Hollywood stars content to allow predators to roam at will? Does anyone in Hollywood have a conscience??

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

100 Years Ago

100 years ago today Lenin unleashed a political system that led to the murder and suppression of tens of millions.

Monday, November 6, 2017

Two Toms!

 Aargh! We found another inflatable turkey in our basement, so we switched it out with the new one I foolishly bought last night.


 Nice of Hollywood to stop molesting and raping each other long enough to mock prayer and tell us how to vote in the wake of the Texas church shooting. #IAppreciateYourGuidance

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Thanksgiving Tom!

We took Halloween Tigger down and put up a brand new Thanksgiving turkey!

Saturday, November 4, 2017


My Facebook is cluttered w/sponsored ads for Scientology, atheism, liquor, and crappy ebooks. I liked the app better when the Russians ran it.