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Thursday, December 21, 2017

A Great Gift!

My friend Tre got me a wonderful Christmas gift -- a Milwaukee Road sign,  employer of my paternal grandpa and great-grandpa.   Then he insisted on posing with it for this post.  What a narcissistic prick. Jk Lol

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Aunt Missy

The Aunt/primary caregiver of our niece/Goddaughter in Arizona died today at 34. Things are a mess here right now, as we try and make arrangements to fly LuLu down there to be with her and represent Team Slap. RIP

Eternal rest grant unto her, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon her. May she rest in peace. Amen. May almighty God bless us with His peace and strength, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
As of 6pm, our Christmas shopping is complete. You're welcome American economy.  #PatrioticDuty

Monday, December 18, 2017

This Christmas

I think there's one Caucasian in the whole movie, which is fine if the reverse wasn't considered damning. An enjoyable adult Christmas movie.

My Thoughts on 3 Famous Books

Three grossly overrated books of the 20th century: Catcher in the Rye, The Great Gatsby, Brave New World. Gatsby had some panache, but it still makes the list. BNW is remembered for its message but it's written like a bad high school assignment. Rye just sucks, like that phoney Holden.

Sunday, December 17, 2017

The Last Jedi

Smiley and I just saw Last Jedi. I thought it started out painfully hackneyed and chained to every SW cliche. 40 minutes in I went to the restroom, saw there were 90 minutes left, and felt a sense of dread. And then, surprisingly, it became a good movie - even great by the standards of the (non-Empire) series. The audience seemed rather let down, but I'd grade it a B.

Grrr. Spoilers

Some ahole just posted what I consider a huge spoiler for the new SW movie - smack in the middle of an unrelated, non-SW post! I may have to Greedo the stupid SOB.

The Midnight Line by Lee Child

The newest Lee Child novel features a mellower,  slightly more introspective Reacher -- he only kills one person,  IIRC,  albeit inventively -- as he tracks down the owner of a West Point class ring. As always with Child,  it's worth the read.

The Wishing Tree

Yesterday we donated forty dollars in gift certificates to the Wishing Tree at church, and all I keep thinking is  "I hope they got to the kids and no one stole them after Mass." Paranoia,  my old friend,  I won't miss you if you leave me.

Saturday, December 16, 2017

'Corn Snowman

 Girls love their 'corns.... - Lisa

(the unicorn snowman made by Junie and her friend Tia)

Friday, December 15, 2017

Thursday, December 14, 2017

True Detective S2

I've just finished the much-maligned second season of this anthology series. It is different than the first,  but taken on its own is a fine, well acted story that was worth watching.

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

My Day

My first day of Winter Break? A snowstorm, a sore hip, one kid calling me stupid, another saying they hate me, a doctor's appointment, and strep throat. I almost prefer Finals.

Tuesday, December 12, 2017


I am not a grammar Nazi, but if one more of you write "loose" when you mean "lose," we're gonna have issues.

Monday, December 11, 2017

So my youngest was talking about who everyone has a crush on in her school... And the common crush was "Ben". She asked who the boy was who was most crushed on when I was little. I said it was a toss up between Gary Locke and Peter Chappy. She wants to know what they look like now. Any of my old classmates have the info? - Lisa

Saturday, December 9, 2017

 That empty feeling of swallowing your unhappiness when the same person makes you feel unimportant for the millionth time. For the betterment of the majority. Always. - Lisa

Drumline Competition

 With Lisa and YaYa, watching PD perform at the city drumline competition at MHSA. We were asked to lead the way here, but, uh, as Lisa said about her driving:

Wanna lead the caravan?.... "sure, i drive there almost everyday, have two kids at the school" scene.... I take a wrong turn smh

Thursday, December 7, 2017


I am not worried at all about the reaction of the Palestinians to the recognition of Jerusalem.  Islam, the media assures us,  is the Religion of Peace.  Certainly those who practice it will take this moment to exhibit that fact to the world.

3 Years Gone

I didn't say anything because Lisa was having a hard enough day as it was,  but yesterday marked the 3rd anniversary of her Dad's passing.  RIP Dennis.  You are missed.

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

 Thanks Dan for coming through for the kids when I couldn't. I appreciate you. - Lisa

A Sad Anniversary for my Dad

Today's the anniversary of the death of both of my Dad's Grandpa's,  and his Mother (each in different years.) As a result he gets awfully anxious about his own health around this time. I offered to take him to lunch (he refused) but I called and checked up on him all the same.

Monday, December 4, 2017

A Big Night! (Katy Perry)

Guess where Lisa and Junie are tonight? 

The Autopsy of Jane Doe

 Highly touted. Highly overrated. A waste of our time.

Regarding John Hockenberry

NPR's John Hockenberry is accused of sexual harassment. Two issues: one, he's paralyzed from the waist down so there is no physical threat that can be associated with the charges. Not that that would excuse boorish behavior  Second, from the sample that was read on the radio, the accusation stems from benign emails he sent asking a woman out on a date. Unless there's more, how is this charge be taken seriously?