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Sunday, January 28, 2018

Saturday, January 27, 2018


Barney Miller (the character) is the Atticus Finch of TV cop shows.

"A Complete 180"

The contemporary opinion of a Presidency is almost always fueled by emotion and partisanship, rather than facts. This result was inevitable.

 Gotta love moms.... I know i love mine! xoxo  -Lisa



I helped YaYa  do her taxes today,  which means I answered some ?'s while she did them herself.  There are millennials in my classes - 25 year olds in law school - who have told me they've never done their own taxes.  Now that may be because Mommy's trust fund makes taxes complicated,  but it's still appalling. Good on YaYa for bucking the trend.

Friday, January 26, 2018

My baby came home early... I keep hearing the song let's get it on in my walls? At 3:30 am, no problem... LOL - Lisa 

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Fools and Mortals by Bernard Cornwell

A novel set in 1595 around the first performance of A Midsummer Night's Dream. A fun read.


Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Monday, January 22, 2018


 Ooooh i got mad just reading this!

Shopping for Cars with our Niece

Today was spent helping our niece find a reliable used car. If you think there is a more exhausting way to spend a day, then you are wrong. Congratulations Caitlin Anne!

Lance Sijan - A Half Century Since His Passing

Today is the 50th anniversary of the death of American hero and Bay View native Lance Sijan. Rest in Peace sir, you have not been forgotten.

Sunday, January 21, 2018


I just described via text how to play rummy...where's the mom award for that? Lisa

Me Too

Hollywood is the wrong impetus for the #metoo movement. Too many women were complicit in the abuse (Streep, and all who supported Polanski and Allen.) And the women who didn't say no, willingly used the casting couch, and now cry foul? They aren't victims, and I think they denigrate the truly oppressed with their BS playacting.

Also - In case you haven't caught on, Scientology is shamelessly using the #metoo movement to discredit a producer who left the church. They are sponsoring ads here on FB (w/out mentioning the "church") and pointing to anonymous accusations against him. Beware!

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Government Shutdown? Ok.

Other than the treatment of our troops, I care not about the shutdown. It's just another reminder that the federal government is a bloated, intrusive, mess.

Spence - Peterson

Spence is a beast.  Congrats on the title defence!

Thursday, January 18, 2018

 Grades for fall were finally posted at 5pm today. I am pleased with the results.

Nice Job

Apparently ABC News is unaware that Walker is Governor, not a Congressman.

Please ABC, try not to so easily feed my scorn for the media.

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

I'm Bitter

The spring semester starts today. I'm so sick of law school I could vomit. I wish I had the funds to quit work,  go full time,  and finish this already.  But I don't.  So I will once again go sit among millennials who complain about the rigor of their largely parental-supported existence,  and bide my time.



Cory Booker, actor - er, Senator - extraordinaire, wants Homeland Security to devote 73% of its time to White Supremacist Groups. This isn't something I read, those are the words/numbers straight from his mouth. What a play-to-the-cameras buffoon.

Monday, January 15, 2018

Grow Up

Gov Walker missed MLK Day celebrations because  he's giving a eulogy at his Aunt's funeral, and even knowing this people online are blasting him as racist. It must be terribly boring to be a lefty, having to fall back on the same tired script day after day.

Sunday, January 14, 2018

The Ceiling Collapsed!

So this happened today. No one was hurt. But with proof the 126 year old plaster is critically weak, I have to dip into my contingency funds to have the first floor ceilings redone.


I suffer from nightmares every time I sleep, or at least every time I get a long enough rest to reach REM. Bad, horror movie nightmares.The doctor even prescribed pills to stop me from dreaming, tho I admit I don't take them, as they put me out for longer than I usually have to rest. No big deal, honestly; I usually wake up quietly, acknowledge it was a dream, and go back to sleep. Sometimes I even know it IN the dream. But this morning I bolted upright in bed terrified beyond reckoning and judging by Lisa's reaction I may have even screamed. That . . . was a doozy.