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Monday, March 11, 2019

The Changeling by Victor Lavalle

When I say someone can write, I mean they can WRITE, and for #victorlavalle you can add bold. Italics, and underline to that word. I liked this book about parental loss and the enduring power of fairy tales, but I have to admit that for a book that's partially about magic, it seemed to drain a little of Lavalle's. There was just something a little off with the book, a flaw only visible from the corner of your eye but throwing off the picture all the same. It's well worth your time, but this won't go down as his best IMO.

Friday, March 8, 2019

Jussie Smollett was indicted today for his attempt to sow racial and political violence , which makes this a pretty darn good day.

The Vanishing

Wanna watch a depressing, tragic tale that leaves no character unharmed and offers no warmth or hope of any kind?  Then brother, look no further.

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

 I was super excited to see that Ash Wednesday Mass was a full house, and even happier to see Parker put on a dress shirt and pants without even being asked. May your Lent be a time of reflection and prayer.

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Instant Family

Lisa and I scooped this DVD from Redbox around 3am last night, and finished it before the kid got up for school. It's cute, funny, and good hearted, and I bet a lot of viewers were inspired to become foster parents because of it. Go rent it!

Fr Tho


Monday, March 4, 2019

The Tooth Fairy is Coming

Junie lost a tooth today!

Happy Death Day 2

I saw this in the theater with the #Centerpieces a couple of weeks ago. Some of the shine was missing from the original,  although I'll allow it may be my personal dislike of the filmmaker rendering the phenomenon scientific rather than supernatural. Still fun, stil inventive,  still worth buying a ticket.


I'm not sure what the heck I just watched.  Bloody, profane, chaotic, tragic,  gory, surreal,  sensual, and weirdly funny ("Don't be negative."), it's hard to explain past the obligatory "it's a revenge flick."

I thought I'd hate it.  I grew, if not to love it,  then to greatly appreciate the time we had together.

Rob Zombie's Halloween

Alas, this sucketh.


Me, in middle school.*

*artist's rendering

The Devil's Doorway

Two Irish priests investigate a purported miracle in a home for unwed mothers in 1960.  A mix of different horror cliches,  it somehow melded together into a decent and occasionally disturbing film.


Thought I posted about this last week but I guess not. A good but not great, fun but inevitably forgettable, blending of the war and horror genres. You'll have to suspend your disbelief regarding the casting, as the armed services weren't desegregated at the time depicted. 

Saturday, March 2, 2019


Sister bonding. Fake nails.  - Lisa

OctoKitty reaches Level 60

I've taken yet another #MyBoo to the glorious winner's circle. OctoKitty joins his brethren in Level 60. Although I am careful to feed my Boo a healthy diet, I rewarded his loyal efforts with a final meal of burgers and fries, capped with a brownie. Enjoy retirement my friend. As for me, I remain, as always, indisputably, the #GOAT.

The Consuming Fire by John Scalzi

This was a sci-fi novel set among the nobility of an Empire on the verge of collapse. Scalzi is good, but I do grow weary of everything - no matter how weighty - including comedic touches. I don't read Douglas Adams for a reason, bub. Still, give it a read.

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Homemade Jalapeno Poppers

Full size jalapenos, cored and stuffed with cheddar, handrolled in egg roll wrappers and fried to golden perfection.


I scored this great selection of political buttons at Rummage O Rama this afternoon. Of particular note, check out the Eisenhower bracelet!

Bill and Jussie


Our Trip to see Tiffany Jenkins

To celebrate the 24th anniversary of the day we met, Lisa and I went down to Joliet IL and saw her favorite vlogger Tiffany Jenkins perform at the gorgeous Rialto Theater. The show was great, some of the rowdy drunk women in the audience less so, but overall a blast. And a first: the female audience took over every men's room, forcing me and the handful of other men at the show to use the urinals while women went in and out of the stalls. That was weird. Afterwards, dinner at the Castle of White. Anywho, happy anniversary baby. Xo