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Sunday, March 15, 2020

Aw, nuts

Worst. CoronaVirus News. (Short of mass deaths). EVER.

I get more work done in an hour at the library than in a day at home. Damn.

Not a Bad Idea

 Max Winfrey

Convert Idle Cruise Ships into Mobile Hospitals.
Here's an interesting idea that a friend who works in procurement had. I greatly expounded on it with some theory on how it could possibly be executed. There are many brilliant people way smarter than me who may read this and have far better solutions on how to tweak it for success.
Problem : How do we handle finding beds for the sick if our hospitals get overwhelmed with pandemic victims when waves of sick people flood the hospitals in similar fashion to what is happening overseas?
Solution : Ask willing and near bankrupt cruise lines for use of their idle ships to be mobilized as floating hospitals to major metropolitan areas on the coasts where the hospitals are over capacity.
Make it a military operation and use Navy personnel to run the ships. If crew decks cannot be be secured with their own pumped in ventilation, you can house medical workers and other critical personnel in the cruise terminals at the docks or at nearby empty hotels instead of sleeping on board. Alternatively, some ships could be used for non-virus related care to allow existing hospitals to concentrate their efforts solely on the pandemic.
In exchange for use of the ships, cruise lines would receive guaranteed extensions on their loans or other government help with getting back into operation once the pandemic is over. The goodwill exhibited toward the public would likely be the kind of positive publicity the cruise industry needs when passenger operations restart.
Summation : The cruise industry has often pitched in to help during challenging times. They've been troop carriers during wars and provided housing during hurricanes and other catastrophes. I believe there are smart and talented people who could get this up and running quickly in order to meet demand if data begins to show that the hospitals will get overrun.



MPL closes due to Covid

I get more work done in an hour at the library than in a day at home. Damn. 


Saturday, March 14, 2020

You'll Never Know


CNR . . and R


Covid Action

 Got a big spare bag of dog & cat food, dog treats, & 30 crickets for the toad. The pets will be A-OK should we be quarantined.

Celebrity Opinons

Just another reminder why celebrities should keep their idiotic opinions to themselves.  

It also reminds me of an interview in a current month's archeological magazine where the reporter applauds a research group's diversity. The reply, with no sense of irony, was that the scientist was indeed  proud of that diversity. "To date, all our researchers have been [Jewish] women."

Diversity has abandoned its dictionary definition. To the Left, it just means "no white male, regardless of ability."

A New Do

Junie's  new hair do thanks to big sis LuLu


Time Traveling Simpsons

 Anyone who knows me knows I’m pretty anti-conspiracy but I’m CONVINCED The Simpson’s creators are time travelers! - Lisa

Not Cancelled


Covid - Pet Food


Got a big spare bag of dog & cat food, dog treats, & 30 crickets for the toad. The pets will be A-OK should we be quarantined.

Friday, March 13, 2020

On TP stockpiling

 I'm seriously doubting the intelligence of anyone mocking folks for buying toilet paper during the pandemic. There's a 2 wk quarantine, and families won't be able to just run out and buy a roll. Hence, buying in advance. It not only makes sense, it's smart - unlike you.

School Closings

 The Governor (a Dem) has ordered the mandatory closure of every K-12 school, public and private, until at least April 10th. Thank you sir, for doing what the soft bigots at MPS could not find the courage to do.

 You know the world's gone mad when my wife, Queen of Trump Haters, teared up during his press conference and said "He's doing a good job."

Covid - Food Pantry


While our programming is suspended next week, our Emergency Food Pantry is open our regular hours. With schools in the area closing, please know that we are here for you to ensure you can feed your family.
Emergency Food Pantry Hours:
Tuesday, 4-6:00PM
Wednesday & Friday, 2:15-5:30PM

Covid Shopping

Dan has waited his whole life for this....the moment I took off his leash to “stock up” I’ve never seen him more happy.

Honestly this may be the first time we’ve agreed on anything other than on where to eat in 25 years.

Grammar and spelling people, grammar and spelling.

 I know there's a crisis, but ffs people: it's "aisle" not "isle." #SMH



Dan has waited his whole life for this....the moment I took off his leash to “stock up” I’ve never seen him more happy.

Honestly this may be the first time we’ve agreed on anything other than on where to eat in 25 years.

 You know the world's gone mad when my wife, Queen of Trump Haters, teared up during his press conference and said "He's doing a good job."

I'm seriously doubting the intelligence of anyone mocking folks for buying toilet paper during the pandemic. There's a 2 wk quarantine, and families won't be able to just run out and buy a roll. Hence, buying in advance. It not only makes sense, it's smart - unlike you.

 The Governor (a Dem) has ordered the mandatory closure of every K-12 school, public and private, until at least April 10th. Thank you sir, for doing what the soft bigots at MPS could not find the courage to do.