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Saturday, March 21, 2020

The Year So Far



 Huckleberry, Huckleberry,Huckle-berrrryyyyy . . .Hesthebest!

Sidewalk Art

Happy Saturday. Stay inside, unless you’re doing sidewalk art - Lisa

So Cool - Lisa




RIP Kenny Rogers

Sad news tonight, as Kenny Rogers, a country music legend and icon of my youth, passed away yesterday.  He was 81.

My Mom was a huge fan and Rogers' 8 track was ubiquitous in our flat. At some point early in my youth, well before I was ten, my parents took me to one of his concerts. I only remember a fleeting second of the show, but I'm glad I went.

I also remember the whole family going to see his movie SIX PACK in 1982. 

Anyway, rest in peace sir. You made many lives better with your music.

Friday, March 20, 2020

Spenser Confidential

Although nominally related to the books of the late great Robert B Parker,  SPENSER CONFIDENTIAL merely takes the names of some RBP characters,  changes everything about them, and tosses them into a standard issue action feature.

So A - Parker's family sucks for being such absolute sellouts and 

B - it ain't half bad

Thursday, March 19, 2020

 Lol I love the at home humor that keeps popping up. Refreshing! - Lisa

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Visiting The Vet Mid-Quarantine

I took Huckleberry to the vet for a follow-up today and dealt with the oddest consequence of the Corona quarantine to date.

I was prohibited from entering the building, as were all owners. Once in the parking lot I had to call the vet and notify them I was there. After a few minutes someone came out and removed Huck from the car and took him in for shots he may or may not have actually received, since I didnt see them administered. 

The clerk then called my phone and collected payment, and subsequently walked Huck out.

Just nutty.

I agree

Baseline protection and resources for all, but I agree - triage what resources we have and steer it to the places most affected. 


 Huck needs his nails trimmed... [but with Covid quarantine in place] any ideas for right now? - Lisa 

 Still not accurate but closest I’ve seen - Lisa

 LOL - Lisa


Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Donate Blood!

 I’d donate if I could, maybe you can... Lisa

Lyle Waggoner



Tom Brady has left the Patriots

Marcus Theatres just closed for Coronavirus. My heart is broken. Without movies, I have no reason to continue

Tactical Advice

 Sometimes, when you know it will dig into their childhood insecurities, merely respond to an oppositional post with nothing more than a correction of their grammar. Say nothing of the point they made. Forty replies later, each telling you "it doesn't matter, jerk," you OWN THEIR SOUL.

Monday, March 16, 2020

Movie Theaters Adjust to Covid

It's become increasingly easy to see who's an a#hole on FB - just look for the idiot that considers preventive measures a waste unless - presumably by failing horribly- they go hand in hand with thousands of dead Americans. #HopeURFirst


Cancelled! #DamnYouCorona

 Pretty much! - Lisa

We Were Right

 You’re an idiot for stocking up they said... Lisa