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Thursday, January 28, 2021


 For lunch I raided the fridge for some cold cuts we bought yesterday. As I was making my sandwich I thought, " hmm, I don't remember buying sliced ham." Then it was "wonder why the ham feels slimy," followed by "Dear Gawd this tastes like unwashed Illinois ass ." Using my expansive edumacation, I then checked the label - it was purchased from the deli NOVEMBER 21st and was somehow lost in our refrigerator until it reappeared at my fingertips today. I look forward to hours of the 'rhea this evening.

Happy 85th Birthday to Alan Alda!

 Happy Birthday Hawkeye!


 Calm, capable, and confident. Today is a great day to be great! - Lisa

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Am Fam Field


Yeah. About this . . .

46 years old. Asthmatic. Morbidly obese. A hip in more pieces than the space shuttle Challenger (RIP). Why *wouldn't* I have to shovel 7 inches of snow off our property - oh, you mean because I have 3 healthy teenagers living at home? Pshaw. One was asleep, one was making brownies, and one was watching TV. Priorities people, priorities.

I love finding solutions! - Lisa 

Fuck you Waukesha County Sheriff's Department... fuck you. No difference between this and the Catholic church’s shuffling of pedophile priests or school districts shuffling of abusive teachers.

It’s so gross.
On the subject of gross news, groping children through their clothing in India has been determined to not be sexual assault.
Fucking yikes on all this. 😳 - Lisa

Monday, January 25, 2021

Friday, January 22, 2021

Hank Aaron

RIP to Milwaukee and MLB legend Hank Aaron. Heaven's outfield just got a heck of an upgrade.  #755

Tuesday, January 19, 2021


I watched the first two episodes of WandaVision last night and found them delightful, each a wonderful little pastiche of classic sitcom formats. IMO the show only stumbles when it dabbles in hints that something is amiss. I know they'll tie this into the greater MCU, but a large part of me wishes they had the guts to just let it run as is, as a playful little escape from your typical superhero melodrama.

Bic 4 Color Pens 4EVA

 That right there is the pinnacle of technology baby.

Don Sutton

 RIP MLB Hall of Famer and former Brewer Don Sutton.


Pardon the King!

 Do it Mr. President! Don't let Carol #$%#$ Baskin win !

Monday, January 18, 2021




 Today was a great day. First day of the 3rd week in a 12 week training program.

Some motivational words from the man we celebrate today...
“If you can’t fly, then run ....if you can’t run then walk ...if you can’t walk ...then crawl, but by all means keep moving” -MLK
“The time is always right to do what’s right”

- Lisa

The Serenity Prayer

The style of this looks an awful lot like the one that hung in our house growing up. Still wise words I need to remind myself of often. - Lisa