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Tuesday, September 26, 2023

So This Happened

 7:06 AM

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So get this: pouring rain, heavy thunderstorm. About a quarter mile from work I see a car, facing the wrong direction, in a ditch. I pull over, pause to regret my decision, then run back to the other car. It's rear left tire is deep in the mud, the right half rear of the car up in the air two or three feet. ... I ask if everyone is ok. A woman and her teens is in the car. She says she pulled over bc it's her kids bus stop but went into the ditch. I told her she'd no oubt need a tow but we could try one time to push it out. LIke all teens, she had to yell at her kid to get out of the car and help. he was going to sit there and watch it didn't work. it made it worse. You sent but get this . . .the woman says "Are you Dan?" It was Jackie Sunn, Caitlin's ex-stepmom and Mom's friend

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Small world. Too unbelievable to be fiction for sure