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Monday, November 28, 2016

Kudos to OSU

Excellent job by the Ohio State University Emergency Management Team (OSU_EMFP) in immediately notifying students & faculty via social media with the message: "Buckeye Alert: Active Shooter on campus. Run Hide Fight. Watts Hall. 19th and College."

Kudos to OSU, in particular for including the word "fight" in their message. May the days of quietly waiting to die - or watching scores of others die - be gone. Run if you can, hide if you must, fight if given the opening.

Friday, November 25, 2016


Romney is obviously the better choice for Secretary of State than Ivanka Trump. This shouldn't even be a discussion.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

A Nightmare

I had a horrific nightmare. We visited a cursed house dedicated to some demon but outwardly normal. A child was burned alive, we (my family) stood in a boxcar w/ many others watching The Hunger Games, and I snuck a for sale sign on the lawn but a lady was quick to tell buyers the contract included service to the demon. Apparently it was a selling point. And LuLu had her iPod stolen in the dream, which she knows is my trigger. Best part? At one point I was covered by hundreds of quarter sized puppies. But I broke the spell and realized they were hairy spiders. Why is that good? I'm not scared of spiders, but my friend Tre. Even in the midst of this terrible dream I was just enough of an as**ole to snap selfies with the spiders and text them to him. LOL

Monday, November 21, 2016

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Pumpkin Carving with Junie

Back in mid-October I took Junie to a pumpkin carving event at a nearby park. You carve a jack-o-lantern, leave it behind for a few days as the park celebrates Halloween, and then pick it in time for the actual holiday. 

 I didn't want to go. I was salty as heck about the 2015 event, when some folks in the neighborhood took it upon themselves to decorate their homes with (literally) dozens of jack-o-lanterns they swiped from the park. 

I don't cotton thieves. 

But obviously I went. Someone's taking the pictures, right? Unlike prior years the pumpkins were precleaned, which robbed us of the seeds, which ticked me off even more And it was pitch dark, and we had to carve it under the light on my cell phone. Which also annoyed me. But Junie had a blast. 

She carved a face on one side, her initials on the other.

Some of her friends were there and they "dabbed" and showed off for the camera. 

A few days later we picked up the pumpkin, avoiding the pumpkin grabbers, and proudly displayed it on our porch!

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

40 Years of TV Greatness

This month is the 40th anniversary of Jack Horkheimer's StarGazers TV show. It's original, longtime name of Star Hustler was abandoned with the rise of the internet when school search engines blocked sites with "Hustler" in the address.

I used to routinely watch these short, informative shows just as PBS was signing off for the night. Each one, of course, focused on things you could see in the night sky in the upcoming weeks.  I don't think I ever got to *see* any of the wonders he promoted, as the lights of the city wiped out everything dimmer than Orion, but it was still fun to watch. 

If I won the lottery

Where I would spend my money if I had enough to give away: dental and psychiatric clinics for children in Milwaukee, food pantry's, Catholic radio, local public television, and the Bay View Community Center.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

I'm down 2.7 pounds this week, the first crack in the plateau in over a month. If my hip would co-operate, and I could hit the gym as often as I like, maybe the losses could continue.

One last thing

This will be my last post on the election itself, I hope. In response to the "HRC won the popular vote by 1 million, proof we should dump the electoral college" argument: you are actually proving the opposite. Take away CA and NY and Trump wins the popular vote by 7 million. California and New York should not, MUST not, have the power to overrule 48 states. The Electoral College has proven it's worth.

Friday, November 11, 2016

He Really Would Have Loved It

Man I miss Fred Bryan. He would have adored Tuesday's outcome.

Stating the Obvious

If you want a Republic, respect the outcome of its Constitutional elections. To protest them is to argue on behalf of dictatorship.
I don't need a "safe place" because I'm, like, an adult.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

A Public Service Announcement

Mein Gott, people are sharing way too much false information. Source people, source. If you're posting on social media, you by definition have access to the internet. Use it. And if you're proven wrong, correct and or delete it. I have. Don't respond by saying "I don't care, I hate him"; this ain't kindergarten.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

My Thoughts on the Electoral College

My explanation of the electoral college: Your neighborhood is planning a block party, but you need to agree on one of two dates. You could take a survey of everyone in all 50 houses in the subdivision, but then the sister wives house with 30 kids is pretty much guaranteed to get their way. So instead you have every family decide what they want, and then collect the results from each house. The majority decision then stands.

While I'm at it, the candidates know the nature of the game and tailor their campaign to the electoral college. If the popular vote meant a win, they both would have distributed time and money in different ways, possibly changing the outcome in the popular vote and rendering your narrative moot.

And I love how people only find the electoral college archaic and wrong when their side loses, but it seems just peachy when they win. Odd that, dontchathink?

I Ain't Kidding

Ladies and gentlemen: Truman-Dewey ain't got nuthin' on last night. Wow.

Forward, not Back

A friend was happy Trump's election could result in a thorough investigation into the Clinton Foundation. I disagree. I think Trump would be wise to ixnay any further foray into Clinton's life. Not that there isn't shady activity to be found, but now is the time to lead the country forward, not bog it down in the past.


Eh, it was alright, if you can forgive the haircuts.