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Showing posts with label Covid. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Covid. Show all posts

Saturday, October 31, 2020

A Sad Covid Halloween

More than 60 minutes in and not a single trick or treater  . . Normally the sidewalks are PACKED. It looks like everyone is obeying the Covid cancellation.  Sad. There isn't a tradition this pandemic hasn't ruined in 2020.

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

I Voted Today

I voted in person today. Due to strict Covid restrictions the line pictured here took an hour to move, tho those restrictions still weren't fanatical enough for one very angry voter in front of me. I imagine the speed will pick up, as after one time through I saw a number of ways to increase the speed while maintaining Covid safety.  

I had wanted the kids to go with me, as I was always honored to accompany my own parents, but apparently voting is only a right worth celebrating if the other person votes the way you wish.  


Friday, October 2, 2020

Thursday, August 20, 2020

A Health Scare and Covid B.S.

I needed to go to the urgent care on Tuesday for some heath concerns. After 6 hours, a transfer, chest X-ray, ct scan, ecg, blood, urine, iv fluids, and breathing treatment I am left with the diagnosis/prescription I said I needed (kidney infection/stone?) but I also get a bullshit wait time (up to 6 days) for results on a covid test I didn’t need. Unable to return to work, losing  money and hours at my new job. Probably adding to “suspected case” numbers when I never suspected that at all. Beyond frustrating. You really can’t go for treatment these days, not if you need your job. 

Yes, they were right, my breathing wasn’t great. I had quit smoking a week before after 30+ years. Sigh. It’s really hard for the medical profession to listen, seems even harder lately!

Update: Just in: I don’t have Covid lol. I know it’s for safety but wow... frustrating!

- Lisa

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Symbolic of America this Summer

This photo from a FOX6 viewer shows the large Acuity flag in Sheboygan "ripped in half" by 60-70 mph winds amid severe weather Tuesday night.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

The Baker

Her Great-Grandma Pickett would be proud. Junie has learned to bake different breads, cookies and pasta all from scratch during quarantine. They would have had such a good time together. ❤️ We won’t mention how much weight we’ve all collectively gained because of her new hobby.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020


Delayed because of Covid and a few other hurdles but Dan received this news today: 

The Board of Bar Examiners has established that you have the requisite character and fitness needed to practice law in Wisconsin and has received certification of your legal competence from the Dean of your law school. You are therefore admitted to the Wisconsin Bar.

He was also sent a temporary certificate because the usual ceremony with all its pomp and circumstance in Madison has been cancelled. Congratulations babe! So proud! One more step...

- Lisa

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

I find it hilarious that the Covid protesters, who scream "Liberty!" and decry the Government "trampling on their Rights,' scream in horror - without any irony - at the DMV's decision to accept parental waivers in lieu of road tests. Now I disagree with the DMV too, but um, why Yon Protestor, are you now in favor of the State overturning the decision of a PARENT, and advocating the government be allowed to license and regulate a right to travel?

Friday, May 1, 2020

The Covid Lockdown Continues

Happy Day 46 - Lisa
From our friend Sybil in Scotland: Keep safe. We have still not been told to wear masks...There might be mention next Thursday when we have a review of the law to keep us in lockdown. There’s talk of a slight change we might be asked to wear masks on public transport or anywhere there might be many people around...Not many people want to wear them we think another three weeks in partial isolation would do no harm...

Missing that Marcus Guy

Dad you and your movies 🤣 - LuLu


Sunday, April 19, 2020

"Open" Wisconsin

If you want WI "open" again because you fear the potentially disastrous economic outcome that could follow in the wake of continuing the Safer at Home order, I hear you. You have valid points that need to be discussed.
If you want WI "open" again because you are going stir crazy, or want a haircut, I'm sorry, sit down.
If you want WI "open" again because the virus is "fake" and this is all a conspiracy involving not only the media, but business, government, churches, and the medical community, there's not much anyone can say to help you.
If you want WI "open" again because you think this is some despotic attempt to rob you of your liberties, I ask you to explain where and when *in WI * these breaches have taken place, and caution you that "friend of a friend" anecdotes and Reddit level Constitutional law will be treated with the respect it deserves.
If you want WI "open" again because a Democrat called for the extension, you are embarrassing yourself and the Republican party I love.
If you want WI "open" again for any reason and talk about grabbing your guns and "calling the militia," I point to the calendar and mention your rant sounds familiar - almost like those who once darkened April days in Waco and Oklahoma City.
If you want WI "open" again, and chose to stand in groups of like minded, Confederate flag waving people, disregarding not only distancing but any safety precaution - I do not wish the virus on you, nor would I seek to deny you medical help if afflicted. But should the impact of this virus spread bc of what you knowingly did, I hope you have conscience enough to regret your little protest.

Monday, April 13, 2020

Update ******* I feel fine during the day, with the only remaining symptom being an absolute exhaustion that comes on rapidly and fades in short order -- almost reminiscent of mono. Nights have been a struggle. Awake/asleep, sitting/prone - whatever the case - during the night it's harder to breathe, and my lungs make noises right out of a performance of A Christmas Carol. That too, HAS eased, but not to an extent to my liking. We'll see if I seek further aid today, as instructed, because I *am* feeling better and I think I've tapped out both my HSA account and the medical options available to me.

Thursday, April 9, 2020


This morning I had difficulty breathing and went into Urgent Care. After an exam and chest x-rays I was diagnosed with pneumonia.

Idk if it's Covid related as they didn't test for it.
Other than the shortness of breath, some pain in my side, and a marked weariness, I feel alright. Really - no snark.
Should my symptoms worsen I am to go to the hospital, where they'd administer what, at that point, would be an inconsequential Covid test.
So, yeah. Good way to start Easter weekend.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

The Election Mess

 I have generally approved of the job Evers has done during the Covid crisis, but this election day mess is his alone. He criticized another Gov for moving an election date bc of Covid (legal, there), signaled he'd veto legislation to delay it here, and days ago tweeted he didn't have the Constitutional right to tamper with the date - then promptly tried to do so. The courts, federal and state, were right to honor the sanctity of the process. Delay/don't delay, Evers should have made up his mind long before it came to this.

At least we know ours were received. 

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

 This spreading out the bad news stuff is shitty. Couldn’t the news have been: Summerfest, all lakefront festivals, and church festivals will be postponed, we’ll update with new dates as they become available. Instead of sending separate bad news every single day. Summerfest, then Festa, then polish fest. We get it, I’m expecting it and I know it’s petty but the separate notification of everything is like a bird pecking you to death. Dumb. - Lisa

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Watch out World!

Ooooh the quarantine hairstyles gonna be something to see. Got two talking big change -LuLu and YaYa. Oh world, watch out! - Lisa