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Sunday, April 19, 2020

"Open" Wisconsin

If you want WI "open" again because you fear the potentially disastrous economic outcome that could follow in the wake of continuing the Safer at Home order, I hear you. You have valid points that need to be discussed.
If you want WI "open" again because you are going stir crazy, or want a haircut, I'm sorry, sit down.
If you want WI "open" again because the virus is "fake" and this is all a conspiracy involving not only the media, but business, government, churches, and the medical community, there's not much anyone can say to help you.
If you want WI "open" again because you think this is some despotic attempt to rob you of your liberties, I ask you to explain where and when *in WI * these breaches have taken place, and caution you that "friend of a friend" anecdotes and Reddit level Constitutional law will be treated with the respect it deserves.
If you want WI "open" again because a Democrat called for the extension, you are embarrassing yourself and the Republican party I love.
If you want WI "open" again for any reason and talk about grabbing your guns and "calling the militia," I point to the calendar and mention your rant sounds familiar - almost like those who once darkened April days in Waco and Oklahoma City.
If you want WI "open" again, and chose to stand in groups of like minded, Confederate flag waving people, disregarding not only distancing but any safety precaution - I do not wish the virus on you, nor would I seek to deny you medical help if afflicted. But should the impact of this virus spread bc of what you knowingly did, I hope you have conscience enough to regret your little protest.

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