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Showing posts with label Dogs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dogs. Show all posts

Friday, February 12, 2021

Calm Down

#True - but Huckleberry doesn't get angry, he hides in his crate. 

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Squeaky Toys

He’s had this $4.99 squeaking steak home for 3 minutes and it’s already broke. Ugh. Ok, He loves the squeaky stuff. What squeaky stuff doesn’t break and how much is it gonna cost me? - Lisa

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Saturday, March 21, 2020


 Huckleberry, Huckleberry,Huckle-berrrryyyyy . . .Hesthebest!

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

No Pit Bulls Here

So I think the first “pit-bull kills its owner” story of the year is out. A 5 year old. Enter the crowds to claim how harmless pits are, how it’s the owners fault, or the child’s fault.

I’ve had more then one vet and more then one rescue professional share similar beliefs as mine about this beloved breed, but their years of experience and knowledge means nothing against your personal experience 👍🏻🙄. I understand wanting to give anyone, including dogs the benefit of the doubt, but not with MY family.

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Huckleberry is Adjusting

If I had to place a bet, I think GusGus and Huckleberry will be good friends (although he did chase Gus for a second last night - but they've bumped noses too.) So far Custard has remained aloof but unafraid, once or twice walking right up to him. Angelcakes is openly contemptuous but has not hid or cried, so fingers crossed. 

He is agreeable to the leash only about a fifth of the time and has had accidents in the house, but he's already improving in both regards.

He gets along well with the kids and Lisa, and spent the afternoon with us in the car while we ran errands. He seems cautious around me and sometimes fearful. I think my size and volume remind him of some bad times in the past (he was skin and bones and terribly meek at the pound.) But we will move past that lickety split.

#GusGus. #Huckleberry

Oh, and as you may have noticed by the affinity for boxes apparently we done adopted another cat.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Introducing Huckleberry!

Introducing Huckleberry (shelter named). Our new puppy.

Definition of a huckleberry (slang): the way of saying someone is perfect for a job, needed.

We’ve been looking for a very large breed senior dog for about 4 years now. Taking our time. So of course it’s only natural Dan and LuLu adopted a 3 month old medium sized puppy
🙄 lol. Wanna make the universe/God laugh? Make plans!

Can’t pick him up until February 5th, after he gets neutered. The original owner could still come claim their “property “. Even though he was found malnourished, filthy, matted, and scared. They suspect he’s been in a crate his whole life, has no idea what to do on a leash. Basically we adopted a job.
Put prayers or good vibes out there that the original owner stays gone and our family takes home this sweet dog to give him the life he deserves.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Goodbye Chaco :(

RIP Chaco. Best dog EVER. And everyone knows I’m NOT a dog person, but Chaco was different! ❤️❤️❤️❤️ The neighborhood dog. The family that owned Chaco and shared him so graciously, also owned Simon the neighborhood cat. We were so blessed to know them both. Chaco’s family has been struck by tragedy before and I’m praying they’ve met their sadness quota for a long while! 😞 - Lisa

Friday, September 7, 2018

Tuesday, July 18, 2017


Spent much of the afternoon/evening visiting here with my nieces, and Jeanne Scorsone and LK dropped in for a bit. So did Choco, the dog LuLu walks!

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Dogs Don't belong in cars

While I'm waiting, a dog barked incessantly from a parked car. Yes, the windows were open, so spare me the memes please. While I'm on the subject, you know what's a cure for leaving your dog in a closed car in the summer? Leaving your damn dog at home. I can't text while driving, but you can wrestle with a dog on your lap or nuzzling your balls while on I-94???

Friday, February 13, 2015

Just Looking

Looking at the kitties at the Humane Society (and some doggos too!)