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Thursday, February 6, 2020

Huckleberry is Adjusting

If I had to place a bet, I think GusGus and Huckleberry will be good friends (although he did chase Gus for a second last night - but they've bumped noses too.) So far Custard has remained aloof but unafraid, once or twice walking right up to him. Angelcakes is openly contemptuous but has not hid or cried, so fingers crossed. 

He is agreeable to the leash only about a fifth of the time and has had accidents in the house, but he's already improving in both regards.

He gets along well with the kids and Lisa, and spent the afternoon with us in the car while we ran errands. He seems cautious around me and sometimes fearful. I think my size and volume remind him of some bad times in the past (he was skin and bones and terribly meek at the pound.) But we will move past that lickety split.

#GusGus. #Huckleberry

Oh, and as you may have noticed by the affinity for boxes apparently we done adopted another cat.

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