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Saturday, February 29, 2020

The Coronavirus and Irrational Fear

A single death, if it is avoidable, is a tragedy to those who know and love the deceased.  But that personal tragedy does not create a crisis on an international scale.

I'm aware that coronavirus has killed more than one person globally (the first and to date sole American casualty was announced today.)  

But in this century alone the MSM has jumped on numerous outbreaks and proclaimed that the sky is falling. It's their hobby.

AIDS was/is an epidemic sadly wothy of the fear it generated. A glorified flu like Corona virus? No. It is CERTAINLY not worth crashing the economy.

Note: I know it is not a literal version of the flu.

 YaYa is going overseas soon, so I *DO* worry she will be quarantined or fall ill, but it's a concern I would have in most scenarios. 

Respect the danger the virus represents and then act with prudence. But don't fall prey to paranoia 

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