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Monday, February 3, 2020


I saw this movie tonight. I was impressed, but I don't know if it will linger in my memory.

Visually its spectacular. It's filmed in what appears to the viewer to be two long takes, as if they are a curious spirit following the two main characters throughout their mission. That's never easy, I'm sure, but some scenes are so intricate I have to wonder how they pulled it off at all.
Most of the story is strong enough, and thankfully rises above the "mud-and-guts porn" that dominates the WWI genre. But the scenes in the French vilage were, imo, terribly cliche and knocked me out of the moment.
It deserves its Best Picture nomination. Does it deserve to win? I won't be upset if it does, but I'm not completely sold.
#WWI. #1917 #Mendes

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