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Saturday, February 8, 2020

Little Women

Despite it being a Best Picture nominee, I wasn't going to see this film. The impressive "A Star is Born" lay dead in the water last year as a nominee because it was a remake and the voters didn't wish to reward that fact. Little Women has been filmed ad naseum - why should it not suffer the same fate?

But watch it I did, and I liked it. It's a quality, family friendly film.
But Best Picture nominee? Why? Even forgiving its flaws, there was nothing profound to be seen here. And flaws there were.
Having Florence Pugh, with her husky voice and adult curves, play a 12 year old Amy is a poor decision, and certainly impacts how you view Amy's big tantrum. It's a jerky move by a tween, but a monstrous act by what appears to be an adult. And Emma Watson was, as always, lifeless and wooden and mattered little to the tale.
I suppose the film earns points in Hollywood for its "wokeness," but even if you believe wholeheartedly in such ideas, it rang a horribly wrong note here. Having four spoiled, well off white women whine and fret and offer philosophical advice between trips to Paris and the beach, while the neighboring family is literally starving in a shack . . . well it's entitled and its tacky.

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