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Sunday, February 9, 2020

My Oscar Picks

 My Best Picture Oscar predictions:

No chance: Little Women, The Irishman, Ford v Ferrari
Long shot: Parasite, Marriage Story, Joker
In the running: Once upon a time ..., Jojo Rabbit, 1917
That's not the order *I'd* choose to put them in, just the way I think the Academy votes this year.
I believe, despite it being far from the best movie (nd in many ways merely average) that 1917 will take the prize. It's technically superb, which the professionals adore, it has the weighty subject matter the Academy loves, and it even has mild nods towards "diversity," with its inclusion of some colonial soldiers.
No one will remember it in five years, but there ya go.
Edit: For the record, I think, in a Dannyworld, that The Irishman should take it, but would not regret Marriage Story or JoJo Rabbit winning.

Congratulations on the Oscar! You're the best stunt man in the business Cliff!

Parasite didn't deserve Best Picture. It's almost a laughable decision. Congrats to them tho.

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