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Friday, February 21, 2020

Update Time!

Team slap updates!!

Definitely getting lots of great news the last couple days!!! Two lifelong friends are doing better with employment and living situations. Another making changes to get healthier and get education towards a major promotion.

SMILEY just got his first taxable employment (say hi at McDonald’s).
DAN - awaiting bar approval and has thrown his hat in for some jobs.
LULU - completed another complicated step towards her Madison scholarship while getting incredible grades at school and managing work.
YAYA - holding it down at UWM, bravely fighting the beast of college math while keeping a job and social life. Hearing her travel plans to Amsterdam/Paris is amazing!
And lil JUNIE is busy pre-spending her expected loot earned dog sitting. She’s become her client Luna’s new favorite hooman (even if temporary) and is always finding new ways to distract Luna from missing her family. She sure loved her chicken patty yesterday!
So proud of my people this morning. God is good y’all!! - Lisa ❤️❤️🙏🏻🙏🏻🥰🥰

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