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Wednesday, February 12, 2020

I Remember- The Bathtub Shark

Until I did a web search for this post, I would have sworn that my memory involved a skit from the Canadian show SCTV. It used to air late at night here in Milwaukee when I was young ,and I really didn't care for it - although now I wonder how much of that antagonism was due to misidentifying the source of this sketch.

JOWLS was a Caroll Burnett Show parody of the movie Jaws that took place in a bathroom, with the cast fishing for the Great White in the bathtub. 

The bathtub. Like the one in my house.


I was a liitle kid, remember, probably under 5. Alas, my bathtub had a small chip in the porcelain and, while even then I knew better, the lizard part of my brain was certain a shark had caused the damage. 

This irrational fear didn't prevent me from taking baths, it just made mine super quick,  and it no doubt hastened my promotion to showers.

To this day, on the rare occasion I take a hot bath, a part of me flickers back to that sketch and makes me wonder, just for a moment, if that shark is hungry.

1 comment:

Donna. W said...

I always watched Carol Burnett Show, but I don't recall that particular sketch. When I was around 10, I saw a movie at the theater about Abbot and Costello meeting Frankenstein, or the invisible man, or some scary movie character. Somewhere in the movie, Costello kept getting scared by a skeleton. For months I had nightmares of a skeleton chasing me.