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Showing posts with label Politics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Politics. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

If you're undecided . . .

If you are still an undecided voter, write in my name. If you can spell it correctly, it shows you've really studied up before the election, and it will count double.  Would I lie to you?

Johnson won!! Wow!!

Forget the Presidential race - I would have been ecstatic with just this win. Wow. Congrats to Ron Johnson!

Sunday, November 6, 2016

A Truce?

I've asked my husband for over a month to lay off politics on his fb, but he continues to post what I consider offensive material. Should be a fun couple of days. - Lisa

Alright, in the interest of staying married and keeping the optimum gift tax exclusion, a gift to all: until (and only until) returns come in Tuesday, I will . . . it's difficult to type these words . . .I will abstain from posting anything political, and will even avoid commenting on the posts of others. There is a pending post on Slapinions, scheduled to drop shortly after midnight, so that'll have to suffice for me. Sigh. Agreeable Lisa?

Friday, November 4, 2016


I'm going to miss this election cycle. What a hoot. I'm misting up, I really am.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016


Let's forget the election for a minute and ponder the wisdom of Hillary, who will probably be President, fostering a drumbeat of aggression and antagonism towards Russia that has already led to what the MSM says is a return to the Cold War. Why? Seriously? Because they hacked your email and exposed your bs? The electorate barely paid attention. Back off already.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Say What?

“We are a nation of Hispanic roots, and that’s a proud part of who we are, and that’s why we have the Mes de la Herencia Hispana, to remember that we’ve always been a Hispanic nation since our very first day.” —Tim Kaine. 

Yup. Lots and lots of Hispanics in the original British 13 colonies, dontchaknow. Lottsa Armenians and Koreans too. 

Good grief these Dems would tell you we've always been a nation of Vikings if they thought it would earn a vote.

Sunday, October 9, 2016

A Pitiful Slate

I am no rookie to Presidential elections, having followed them since 1984 and studied them all in depth. Believe me when I say, no two cruddier choices have ever appeared on such a ballot. If not for the Senate race, I may have to abstain.

Saturday, October 8, 2016

This will Probably End Trump's Run

Donald Trump's comments, made in a public setting, may be the nail in his electoral coffin. Odd that its discovery was timed to knock the release of Hillary's papers from the news; hypocritical that it will help elect a woman married to a man who has, without question, harassed and exploited, and possibly even raped, women; but the comments are inexcusable all the same.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

The Presidential Race isn't a Sure Thing

Having been obsessed with Presidential elections since 2000, it's my gut feeling that the Trump campaign has passed the point of no return, and the office is Hillary's. BUT, looking at the electoral map on the liberal site electoral-vote, it's tight. She has 323 projected electoral votes right now, and you need 270. Florida (29) is up for grabs, and if it goes to Trump, AND he squeaks out a pair of smaller states (WI?) she falls short of election. I'm not saying it'll happen, but as it stands, it's not going to an easy win for HRC.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Everyone in Politics is a Hypocrite

Nonsensical Pandering

In the wake of the recent terror bombings, Clinton has been quick to eliminate any mention of religion as a motivation for the attacks. To mention it, we are told, would only make radical Islamic violence happen more often. Even tho it, you know, it supposedly isn't happening at all. 

Let's  go over that logic. You can't say terrorism has nothing to do with Islam and simultaneously claim that addressing that claim will inspire more terror. That's . . . loopy. 

 #Enabler #Sucker #WrongForAmerica

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

And not to get political, but if you're black, why the hell are you voting Democrat? What the hell has that party done for your community since King was silenced? Nothing. If you need the votes of the disadvantaged to win office, logic says you're going to do your best to ensure a steady crop of the poor and angry to STAY in office.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

A House Divided

This house is quite divided on the election. One kid (I will protect their identity) is very pro-Trump; Junie is vehemently in the Clinton camp. The other two believe both are bums and not worth arguing about. Lisa is extremely anti-Trump ("Don't make plans for our 20th anniversary until after the election. I'll divorce your ass if you vote for him). whereas I will protect Trump from the machinations of the MSM but have not yet decided if I should vote at all (a first for me). #ElectionYearFun

Wednesday, July 27, 2016


O'Reilly's retort is stupid. A well fed slave is still a slave.

Monday, June 27, 2016

If nutty Elizabeth Warren is chosen as Clinton's VP candidate, I may have to suck it up and vote Trump for sure. This election sucks.

Monday, June 13, 2016

C'mon Hilary

Clinton said today that if you're under investigation by the FBI you shouldn't be able to buy a gun (presumably until that investigation is over). I agree. But once again, I think she has a tin ear for irony: YOU are under investigation by the FBI. So you aren't trustworthy enough to buy a pistol, but you're good to go with nukes?

Before you read too much either way, I'll post things supporting both Presidential candidates because at this moment I'm not sure how I'll cast my ballot. I'd prefer to vote for neither, but I've never missed an election and won't start now. And spare me the 3rd party argument. This isn't a parliamentary system and I'm not going to waste my vote.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Say What?

Lisa: "Dan, I know you very well and for a long time, and no matter who you vote for it won't necessarily change how I feel about you."


Wednesday, May 18, 2016


I'm sick of politics on FB. I'm right, you're horribly wrong. Can we at least agree on that?